Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

Re: Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

wfgworks said:
Has anyone heard of Pohl's Coral Vitalizer?

I have read some threads on other sites of people having great results with their SPS.

Is it being sold in the US yet?

rebottled dear urine from walmart
Re: Re: Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

Re: Re: Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

Versus said:
rebottled dear urine from walmart

I've tried that but the darn deer keep kicking me when I try to hold that bottle under there.
it looks like a murky substance. similar to Kent's CoralAccel but maybe more concentrated. I'll keep you guys posted on how it works. I shut down one of the Deltecs hopeing I don't skin all the stuff out before it can do anything.
What comes to mind is "if its to good to be true...."
With out any ingredients listed or any kind of scientific study behind it
and the price tags:eek2: , well its a pretty tough pill to swallow for me
Mark Weiss keeps coming to mind as well.......

For those who are trying this, I would be interested at how much you need to change your reactor/etc to cope with increased demand from calcification.
someone should do an analysis on Cv and Cod Liver Oil. The thread on Zeovit offered some good info on this. There is someone using this stuff for their reef and it gives the same results. If the corals can utilize vitamin A&D and omega 3 fatty acids to optimize growth and color, then maybe we have something. Does anyone out there have the ability to conduct an experiment on using cod liver oil on corals. If it works, I'm off to GNC and I'll never buy another bottle of selcon or CV again. This stuff is much cheaper straight from local health food stores.
At least I know it is safe for human consumption. Worse case is I'll make my kids take it with their dinner. :)
cod-liver oil


yellowish oil obtained from the liver of the codfish. The oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D (calciferol). It was long used as a preventive and cure for rickets in Baltic and Scandinavian countries, where fish is a dietary staple. However, it was not until the 1920s that doctors in the U.S. finally recognized its therapeutic usefulness. More palatable synthetic vitamins have largely replaced cod-liver oil as dietary supplements, and almost all the milk sold in the United States and Europe now contains added vitamins A and D.
Cod liver oil is an oil extracted from cod livers. Prior to the fortification of milk with vitamins A and D, it was commonly given to children as a nutritional supplement. As well as being an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin D, it is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). Depending on the quality of the oil, the flavor and aroma range from a mild sardine-like flavor, to an intense and obnoxious odor of rotten fish and rancid oil. High quality cod liver oil is "a pale-yellow, thin, oily liquid, having a peculiar, slightly fishy, but not rancid odor, and a bland, slightly fishy taste." It has recently become popular to flavor cod liver oil with citrus or mint essence to make it more palatable.

Cod liver oil is made by cooking cod livers with steam and then pressing/decanting the cooked livers to extract the oil. By contrast, fish oils are extracted from the cooked whole body tissues of fatty fish during the manufacture of fish meal. Cod liver oil and fish oil are similar but have a somewhat different composition: fish oil has a much lower content of vitamins A and D compared to liver oils.

This may pose a problem in that one may need to exceed the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamins A and D in order to obtain therapeutic amounts of EPA and DHA from cod liver oil. Because the body naturally produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, a common way to benefit from both oils while avoiding a vitamin D overdose is to take cod liver oil during the winter, and fish oil during the summer. On the other hand, the RDA of vitamin D is considered by many to be strongly understated.
also, I hear shark liver oil is good stuff too. What do you guys think? All I need is some fish liver iol, a good calcium reactor, lights, flow and a good skimmer and I'm set?
How do you deliver cod liver oil to corals? Does cod liver oil mix with water? Most oils don't mix with water, so it seems to me it would just float on top.
it's not really oily. It mixes with the water just like the Coaral vitalizer does. Smells and tastes like it too. :D
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Re: Re: Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

Re: Re: Pohl's Coral Vitalizer-What is it?

Versus said:
rebottled dear urine from walmart

Lol , :)

I am not trying to bash zeovit , I see alot of gorgeous tanks using it .

But because of the cost of zeovit and all of the correct components these "people" also have money for ap702's perfect lighting , filtration , regulated tanks .

someone before mentioned mark weiss , and thats what comes to mind for me here. look at the label and it says = "tomato juice , pineapple extract".

I am sure there are amino acids and protien builders etc we havent discovered to put inside our tanks yet. But in my eyes if Mr chemistry god randy hasnt found some magical juice . Neither have the people of zeovit.

I can goto gnc and add all of this to my tank and see what happens,
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) Omega-3
alpha-Linolenic Acid Omega-3
gamma-Linolenic Acid Omega-6
Linoleic Acid Omega-6
Oleic Acid Omega-9
Palmitic Acid

Or I can look through threads and at endless amounts of members beautiful sps tanks and realize the only miracle here is good husbandry.

go penn state? woo!
is there actually an unflavoured emulsified form of cod liver oil

the twinlabs product comes in mint/orange
scott's emulsion comes in orange and "original" (which is also a minty flavour)
Whoo hoo i am glad i was delayed in trying it.
I'll make a batch up od the cod liver oil this weekend.
I can't believe some of you guys out there.The Cod liver oil,and clam juice "might" be ok to dose in a tank.But do you have a clue,on how much even add to your system? It was said the clam juice,has iron in it.Well, if that's the case look out for any type of algae blooms.I just don't have the guts,to do an experimernt on my system.I got way to much invested in corals and fish.If I were to use CV at least I know how much to dose.I rather pay the extra money for CV.Then trying this on my system.Just rather be safe than sorry.I hope all works out well for you.
okay i tried it the emulsified cod liver and clam juice mixture.. heh
doesn't work at all
corals just slime up like they're stressed

i think some people just want some attention/fame