Poknsnok's 240 build

Joe, it is looking good. Let me know when you want to start looking into building/finishing your stand. Looks like a great start and another great thread to watch develop. Let me know if you need any help especially since I am so close.
Im messing with the hood now.. and hope to have it done except for staining this weekend. I think Ill just plan, (for a change) the skinning through the rest of the year and start fresh after the holidays
Worked off a little thanksgiving turkey today. got whats left of the corals and fish in the tank.. And built a temp rack to hold my lights..


I dont like my pile of rocks on the rack I made but I love the vertical pvc with the drilled rock. I drilled perfect holes in the rock with 1.25" masonary hole saw



My deltec all hooked up and doing its dirty work. i love this skimmer


Oh - I thought it was finished - haha!

I like what you came up with for a temp solution for your light rack - gives it a loft design feel. Hang the rack from your ceiling and you're done - :spin1: Your wife might not agree on the "New" look.

Hey, we just missed each other at FAOIS - maybe next time. They have some nice anemones - you know who I'm getting one of those for :mad2:

You think your corals will be okay going into the tank so early? I really don't know about the requirements for SPS's. For my LPS's and some of my softies I'm going to have to wait for about 4 to 6 months before I'll be able to put them in the big tank. I guess I'll be keeping the 75g up for about another half year. a few of the fish I wanted also require more established tanks (blenny, etc) so I might put them in with the corals that have to wait.

Good luck and everything is looking good!
I had my wife with me . too bad she couldnt see the "other woman". I tried to escape Johns without spending too much.. NOT.. did you see the elegance corals?? WOW!!

I didnt want to put the sps in so early but i started having major issues in the 55.. I had no choice. so far they look great. there has been more polyp extension every day since I put them in. I just about finished caulking and painting the hood today..
So did you get the canopy frame finished painting/chalking? I can put you to work at my place - painting! It's strange that I'm an artist and love to paint with oils, acrylic, watercolors but when it comes to house painting - NOT!

I got all the dyes, and other chemicals to start the staining process for the maple. Now I just need to find the time to get it started - I'm hoping Thursday/Friday AM. I'll make three different strengths - then you can check with the "Other Woman" and see what she likes :D.
Your my one and only carol :)..

Im 95% done with the painting and all done with the caulking and will do the rest when I get the sides and front on.. then paint some more!! next project is the calcium reactor. Ive been dosing 2 part and will until I get the reactor running.. I need to come over there again and Id be happy to paint..
see mike i knew i wasnt the only one to setup a tank fast lol.great work so far joe,the aquascaping looks really nice :thumbsup:
Ok.. no new hardware additions but here are some pics as of today of the tank. I love the 3x400 aquaconnects and the (4) 4inch fans keep the temp at 81..

looks like that tenius frag likes the light. nice blue

purple rim cap

slightly compressed FTS

right side.. man thats bright!
I dont know where her mate is in that shot. there are 2 zoa colonies on either side and the pair of clowns keep bouncing back and forth between the 2. My Darts are really irritating me. Both of them are squealing like mad. Anyone out there have this issue? Chris at reeflo says for the bearings to go bad on both pumps is highly unusually and he will replace them with no problem. They usually see bearing issues in about 1 in every 100 new pumps. looks like I got lucky :) Im glad replacing them isnt an issue but what a pain its going to be to redo the plumbing..
I dont know where her mate is in that shot. there are 2 zoa colonies on either side and the pair of clowns keep bouncing back and forth between the 2. My Darts are really irritating me. Both of them are squealing like mad. Anyone out there have this issue? Chris at reeflo says for the bearings to go bad on both pumps is highly unusually and he will replace them with no problem. They usually see bearing issues in about 1 in every 100 new pumps. looks like I got lucky :) Im glad replacing them isnt an issue but what a pain its going to be to redo the plumbing..