kass, not sure if this has been asked before but now do you maintain your mangrove/sand/refugium. It seems as though you feed your zoas a lot while they love but how do you deal with detruis and excessive bio-load/waste? Have you ever changed you substrate?
Thank you for your time and help. Your tank is amazing and surly an inspiration for us all.
Thanks for the compliment! Honestly I have never vacuumed or replaced substrate in my main tanks or refugium, the tank is loaded with bristle worms and other inverts so there has never been a need for it. I'm really pro life in the tank, I prefer not to dip because of it's harsh effects on the diversity coming into my tank.
Having a slow flow tank that is fed directly from my main tank works wonders at filtering out detritus, high flow in the main tank causes detritus to enter the overflow and then settle in the refugium. At that point its incorporated into the sand bed due to the large number of detrivours present.
thanks for the great info. I had been doing a 20% water change weekly and running carbon and they seemed unhappy. I haven't feed my zoas before either as I wasn't sure what to feed them.
How large is your tank? Sometimes it's tougher to have success in a smaller environment. Hope feeding them helps!
Simply.awesome. love the mangroves as well. I used them in my dual overflows with eggcrate to give the tank more of a 3d look above the tank.
Thanks Buddy! Snapped some more photos, hope you enjoy.
Levi, I searched the thread to see if you addresed acclimation, but returned no results, so if you've covered this I apologiize. Do you have a particular acclimation/dipping routine for your zoas. Love your tank.
I find dipping a little harsh, I do a visual inspection prior to adding anything to look for larger pests followed by dropping the coral in the tank. It sounds very lazy probably because it is but I have never had a problem doing it this way, I do drip acclimate fish and SPS though.
Wow, this tank is amazing. I havent seen anything with this many zoa colonies.
beautiful - I especially like the purples
Thanks folks, my tank is pretty much full after a few purchases in the last little while time to sit back and grow!
Where is Waldo? More specifically where are the Mini Waldo's?
Older Batch: