Pooky's 300


That would be a humongous fish since that's a 5 gallon bucket next to it. Shipping that thing probably costs more than the fish :lol2: Sara is right about the equipment part.

I did make it to CFM for a bit. It was fun to just hang out and picked up a few frags from Leo.

That would be a humongous fish since that's a 5 gallon bucket next to it. Shipping that thing probably costs more than the fish :lol2: Sara is right about the equipment part.

I did make it to CFM for a bit. It was fun to just hang out and picked up a few frags from Leo.

Nice skimmer, that was my next guess after a reactor! Is that one of the cone types? What are you running currently? DOH - read your signature line and saw ... AS300 Skimmer

What frags did you get? Leo is shipping me some SPS frags this week :bounce2:
I had originally planned on getting the TC3070 but that didn't work out. Fortunately it all worked out for the best as I don't know if the TC3070 would've fit in the sump space. Beautiful craftsmanship. You can see the 12" body Warner Marine in the back. The Deltec has a 10" body.

Nice skimmer, that was my next guess after a reactor! Is that one of the cone types? What are you running currently? DOH - read your signature line and saw ... AS300 Skimmer

What frags did you get? Leo is shipping me some SPS frags this week :bounce2:

No, it's just the standard type. I am an old school classic car/rock kinda guy :spin3: Didn't even know that Deltec makes a cone.

From Leo, I got the IceFire echinata (I killed the last one I got from him due to laziness), Oregon tort (killed the last one from Dan due to stupidity), and a neon yellow/green deepwater Acro. Also got the Jayda's WM from Steve Tyree. This is the absolute last time I will try this one after 3 failures :furious:

Nice skimmer!

Thanks Brian!

Nice skimmer Kenny. Any particular reason you wanted to switch out skimmers or just looking for a new toy?

Sup Jeremy! I wanted to further reduce my energy load and get something more efficient (at least that's what I am telling myself). I changed out the Sedras on the WM to Sicces but still was not really satisfied. I was looking at the ATB large deluxe cone but shied away after hearing about the overflow issues. I am glad that I got this one. Now I just need to get an automatic shut-off from Avast Marine so I can drain directly into a 5 gallon bucket.

After almost 4 months of QT and then time in the prop tank to make sure it stays clear of all corals, the tink finally made it to the 300. I made a cage out of eggcrate the size of a 5 gallon tank so it's got plenty of room to roam around in.



What a beautiful fish Kenny. Good luck with him. I really want to pick up the burgess hybrid on DD right now in awe of you and chris...But I just dont have the budget for it right now and I want a true tinkeri...

Please keep us updated on how he does and some new pics!