Pooky's 300

Oooooohhhh....I like!!!!

Nice Kenny!

Nice fishy!!!

Thanks y'all!!!

Is that the same one or a new one?

It's a different one. The first hybrid has put on some size and has a much more prominent second band. This one isn't a true tink as you can see a bit of black at the crown but it's mostly tink influenced compared to other hybrids out there. I wanted a true tink but they usually come in huge.

....and you even had a quarter left over to boot!

lol.........and that's about all I have left :uhoh2:


Awesome!!! Very nice Kenny. I had one I lost in QT. Unfortunately I pulled her out of the freezer today to put my bandit I just lost in QT in the freezer bag too. What a nice fish she was. Then I bought another from PIA that passed away before shipment that was beautiful...

How about some more shots!!!
Gosh nice fish selection you have there Kenny.
And your photographs are just out of this world beeeaautiful.
I just got my new camera and I'm such an amateur. I'm yet to start taking photos with my new camera coz there is so much to learn. And I hope I can take photos like you do and post on my build thread, as iv started to stock corals now. Your beautiful tank and it's photos are very inspirational.
Happy Reefing :)
Awesome!!! Very nice Kenny. I had one I lost in QT. Unfortunately I pulled her out of the freezer today to put my bandit I just lost in QT in the freezer bag too. What a nice fish she was. Then I bought another from PIA that passed away before shipment that was beautiful...

How about some more shots!!!

Thanks Ryan. Sorry to hear about your fish. It sucks to lose any fish but more so for those of us who like to keep certain fish that are hard to acquire. It's just part of doing anything.

Gosh nice fish selection you have there Kenny.
And your photographs are just out of this world beeeaautiful.
I just got my new camera and I'm such an amateur. I'm yet to start taking photos with my new camera coz there is so much to learn. And I hope I can take photos like you do and post on my build thread, as iv started to stock corals now. Your beautiful tank and it's photos are very inspirational.
Happy Reefing :)

Thanks for the kind words. My photos pale in comparison to many others here on the board. It's a lot of practice and trying. Fish are harder to shoot than corals in general but with practice, the nice photos will come. Good luck!

And don't be so modest...your photography skills are first rate brah. :thumbsup:
Stunning photos Kenny :thumbsup:

I gotta get a new lens...and skills...and my tank up...and moved in...and...:o
I have a trio of females for now. Not sure if I will add more later or not. They only hid for the first day or so. The long time they spent in QT helped in their conditioning, I think. They are always out but don't really hang out together tho.
Dude, I thought you guys found a house a while back?
We did, closed it on 7/1 but we've been making some changes/upgrades that are taking way longer than I planned. Kids are already back in school and are doing a 20 mile commute :( plus they both have sports practices to go to during the week out there. Some of these contractors are sooo slow...they're killing me.