Possible Flukes


New member
Hello All,

I've had a Royal Gramma in QT for about 3 weeks now and over the last day or so he has been scratching on the bottom of the tank and today he has no appetite. He's been a good eater up to this point. I see no spots or signs of anything on him, even when I use a flashlight. (hence no picture)

I did a 50% water change and still see him scratching several hours later. I'm starting to think its flukes? I'll be heading out tonight to get a few supplies so that I can do a freshwater dip.

I have not treated him with any medication yet, most fish meds are no longer available in Canada due to Health Canada restrictions. I've contacted our local Vet about a prescription for Prazi. If this comes in pill/powder form are there instructions someone could link me on how to dose?

Thanks in advance,
The freshwater dip seems to confirm flukes. Picture attached. He seems to be back to doing royal gramma things, like acting dead by hiding in one spot and laying still. When i blast some water at him he continues to swim about only to rest a few minutes later. He did the same when i first added him to the QT.

I seem to have struck out on the Vet prescription for now. The local Vet wants close to $200 for a visit in which I have to bring him in before they will prescribe anything .... THey also wouldnt tell me the cost or how much Prazi I would get.

How long can I keep dipping this guy to buy him time until I can source meds? Can he be dipped once a week indefinetly?


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Thanks but as per my first post it just isn’t that easy in Canada right now. We are not able to source any fish medications from retailers.
If the fish is still alive, contact your local fish club, some one will have prazi.

Other than that, fresh water dips, they are not good long term, too much strain and internal flukes don't get affected.