... Would I perhaps be well served to just pick up a half decent P&S and use the digital zoom for macro's? Some of the shots here are really nice. My ONLY concern is that I've been shooting in raw on the DSLR and that lets me fix white balance issues in Photoshop really easily, I presume I would loose that ability with a P&S camera?
Took these with my Panasonic DMC-FX30 Point and Shoot
Not at all, these days, you'll find P&S that have RAW capability. I have a P&S Canon G9 which I love, and it has RAW capability.
I'll play but I don't have a FTS with my P&S, plus I don't have this tank anymore.
Cannon G9 in underwater case
Same coral, Updated shotI have seen some very nice reef pictures taken by Point & Shoot camera. So, I would like to start a thread for everyone who own Point & Shoot camera or have pictures of your reef that was taken by P&S camera.
1-NO DSLR pics.
2- post one picture of your tank.
3- and one Macro/Micro shot.
4- optional, about your camera.
I'll start: