Post Your Tank Photos

nice klepto! i have a powder brown tang. he's the best! i definitely read up on tangs first and i'm glad cuz really i only can have one tang in my tank so it better be a good one.

Acanthurus japonicus
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><br><br>







cool tang Rev- i like the hint of orange in it's dorsal fin.

OneRadTek- looks like you got a hungry lobster on your hands there!

Nathaniel- lovely images, that first shot is probably my favorite. The acro frames your fish in there perfectly. Nice composition and colors.

Keep em comin all!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13942935#post13942935 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Yankees2519
Here is a FTS my 14g biocube. Its only 2 days old but i figured id start practicing now :D
Thats the spirit!!!
it will be cool to watch your tank progress from this point onward- keep us updated!
Hey there Brad- your really ought to pick up some more Acans, your tank is definitely lacking in that department... ;)

I like the first and last ones best- where do you pick up such nice colonies?:eek2:

Thanks for sharing!
I agree!! But I'm running out of realestate fast.

I get alot of them online from a favorite vendor of mine.
I dont know if I would get in trouble for saying who, so pm me if really iterested. He is a RC sponsor. I also get them off of ebay.
You can definitely list a vendor that you use, especially an RC sponsor. There is nothing wrong with stating your source.

Now if you were getting them for free and in return you were telling others about his company, that would be breaking rules and cause all kinds of chaos.

Stunning pieces. You really are getting some choice pieces.
Thanks Marc. I wasn't clear on that before. Matt Degutis from Austin Aquafarms is where I've been getting these great peices.
you have taken some FANTASTIC pictures of your system!
May I ask you what kind of camera you are using?
are you shooting in auto?
if not, what are you shooting in? and what are the settings?
New Camera

New Camera

The photos on this thread are great but I can not get those closeups and quality. The ones attached are fixed up on on picture project but still not the quality on this thread. I have nikon 200 can with a 18 to 70 lens and just use the flash on the camera. Can you suggest a lens to get better photos and perhaps I should get a version of Photoshop to fix them.





Frank, you have a very pretty reef. What kind of anemone is that?

Photoshop is nice to adjust levels, sharpen, and resize.

Getting closer images requires a macro lens. A 90mm, or a 105-110mm lens is what allows people to get those awesome images.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14009611#post14009611 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
slcw, that is a beautiful tank. :eek2: :inlove: How often do you have to do water changes?

hi melev, i perform once fortnightly. you can read it here

btw, your site has been an inspiration for years I have been refering it mainly for sun corals and creating my own website.
