Post Your Tank Photos

heres an interesting shot I got of my new Pavona frag. Its the first led moonlight shot I have had some fun with. (obviously i left my circulation running for this) i like the polyp action.
nice shot with the fire in the background Brad- im much more than jealous of your tank! that acan eye-candy is one of a kind.
Some recent images:
My male tomato keeping a close watch on his babies.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Pavona frag (which was randomly showing some stress- I pulled a damn montipora eating nudibranch off of it yesterday! I better not find many more!!!!!!:mad2: ) Strangely, it went for the pavona over my orange caps which are nearby...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

and finally my Target Mandarin. I wish I didn't have to compress to a jpeg so the colors wouldn't get destroyed... ohh well :o
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Lets see some shots of your reefs everyone! :)
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I like that butterfly shot Von Rolen. Thanks for contributing to the thread. Cool anemone/clarki too!
Its good to see some Argentinean reefkeepers!
:eek: Beautiful colonies Deklin! Well done. If you dont mind, could you share with us what you are feeding your SPS?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14281699#post14281699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto
:eek: Beautiful colonies Deklin! Well done. If you dont mind, could you share with us what you are feeding your SPS?

Thanks for the kind words! In addition to a healthy dose of fish poo I also feed coral frenzy about every other night along with a few drops of KZ amino acids, coral vitilizer and sponge power. I've got an oversized bubblemaster 250 skimmer that takes the extra food and dead organics out of the water before it has a chance to break down.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14282316#post14282316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Let's see the rest of the tank, Deklin. :)

Glad you liked the pictures. I spent some quality time with my camera last weekend and came away with better pictures than I was able to get last time. Tried a few top down shots that turned out pretty well.

Here's a full tank shot along with a few other pictures. It's an 80 gallon display and is almost three years old since I first set it up with nothing except live rock. Every coral grew from a frag.





<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14284363#post14284363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by deklin
Thanks for the kind words! In addition to a healthy dose of fish poo I also feed coral frenzy about every other night along with a few drops of KZ amino acids, coral vitilizer and sponge power. I've got an oversized bubblemaster 250 skimmer that takes the extra food and dead organics out of the water before it has a chance to break down.
You are most welcome- thanks for the fts and info on what you are feeding.

BL- great looking barebottom! I like your aquascape and coral placement. All your DIY stuff looks very well done as well. Thanks for posting. Are your corals mostly local?
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A few pics of my reef

A few pics of my reef

My first attempt to post pictures. This is the 210 gal display portion of my system.


