Potassium level 100 ppm

what additive are you addinng to raise the potassium level? Mine tested at 330 and would like to raise it to the 400 level. I went through a whole bottle of 2 little fishies and only raised it 20 points. I am guessing I need a higher concentration to add.
what additive are you addinng to raise the potassium level? Mine tested at 330 and would like to raise it to the 400 level. I went through a whole bottle of 2 little fishies and only raised it 20 points. I am guessing I need a higher concentration to add.

AquaForest. It raises 1.8 ppm per ml for a 27 gallon tank.

I still have not bought another test kit ( I have so much to do ) so I add just a little every day. That way I will not overdose if I am already close to normal levels.
What negative effects are you seeing that potassium doing might fix? I'd be cautious about blind dosing.

Dull red on red montipora. And slow growth on SPS.

AquaForest. It raises 1.8 ppm per ml for a 27 gallon tank.

I still have not bought another test kit ( I have so much to do ) so I add just a little every day. That way I will not overdose if I am already close to normal levels. I add one drop a day in my 25 gallon cube.
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I got my new test kit. Bought it from a different source. But it is still a Salifert test kit.

Reads 370 ppm potassium. That is so much better. So I did have a faulty test kit and yes my potassium level was a bit too low.

I just did a test in my bucket of salt water destined for a water change. It read 390 ppm for 1.025 at 79 F. AquaForest Reef Salt.

I will add 10 drops a day of Kalium ( AquaForest potassium ) that should bring up my potassium level by 1 ppm a day. That should give me about 400 ppm at the end of the current month.

I will test once a week to make sure I do not overdose.

Thank you all for your help and advice.
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Keep a little of that bucket water as a reference. I found that the result the salifert pot test gives significantly falls over time.