Potters with ich

thanks for the info. i can easily try the garlic thing. we always have some around. i think the cleaner wrasse would be a cool addition if just for the extra fish.
the garlic guard is a ...it's like an oil I used a medicine dropper. just shook the seachem garlic guard well, then added a few drops in a small dish w/ the feeding food until the food was just wet let it soak in for a few and then added the food to the tank..they appeared to go readily for the food.
Garlic guard is garbage!!! The only thing useful is it contains Vitamin C and also will help finicky fish to eat. I have been using garlic before all the bottle crap came out on the market. Fresh garlic cloves are the way to go. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
I hope the garlic works, now the clown i have had for 6 years is looking suspicious. his skin looks like there is a film over it. I can't say exactly what it looks like, but it just doesn't look normal. not as shinny and the scales don't look as well defined (if that makes sense). i don't think it is velvet. i think there is a pustule of ich forming on the clowns pec fin. i will try to take pictures, but it only looks funny when he is faceing the light a certain way.

will the cleaner wrasse help with velvet?
As far as I know a cleaner wrasse only picks at parasites on fish. I have never dealt with marine velvet before and not sure how to approach that problem.I guess Im lucky for that. It may be necessary to QT the fish to treat for the velvet problem.
from what i have read, velvet will take a fish pretty quick. this is def. not quick. both fish are eating very well so I guess that is a good sign.
yeah im still not sure if im doing it right. all i have is a garlic press. it makes little chunks of garlic that i put into the food. I always get a piece of rods food and soak it in tank water with the garlic and then slowly pour the liquid back into the tank. you can tell when they get a piece of garlic.....they spit it out pretty quick. i hope you can't OD on garlic.
i don't think the garlic was working quite fast enough. my angel was not even out last night and was just hanging in the rock work. i fed and i could see him picking at food but would not come out of the rocks.

I was going to get a cleaner wrasse but couldn't so i went to petco and picked up Pimafix.
talk about ****ing off a tank. my green fuzzy mushrooms closed up and swelled up like never before. the clown started acting funny and would sit in the corner and shiver. this was 5 min after puting it in the tank.
i was two sec from a massive water change, then some research on here said it was normal and everything would pull through.
so far so good this morning. everything has acclimated to it and seems to be doing better. I hope that it works.
I know its frustrating but hang in there. How many fish are in the tank? other than a clown and potters angel?
I personally would probably do the water changes anyway, everyday until things start to turn around. But I guess that would not allow the pimafix to work its course..
just those two. i have horrible luck with fish. except the clown that i have had 6+ years. everytime i add a fish it is okay up to three. so i had the clown, added the mandarin which was doing fine, i thought i would bypass the third fish curse and add two more. the copperband and potters. the copperband died within a day or so, and the mandarin died (or disappeared) in the last day or so. So i only have those two fish. i am still interested in the cleaner wrasse. hopefully he can break the three fish rule.
well the potters is on the bottom not moving. i added the second (out of seven) dose last night and it sent him over the edge. so i ended up doing a 20% water change. at least the corals look better. this morning he is still alive and will move if poked, but that's about it. i gave him fresh water dip for 10 min.. that perked him up a tad bit but not much.
thinking about setting up a tank for copper treatment. i don't want to lose the clown.
If the potter is pretty much on his way out i would take him out and do the humane thing and chop his head off!!! I have had to do it several times. Also garlic does work but not over night. I usually add it all the time even when there is not a problem. Copper will work though...

Steffen Sparks
copperband and potters angels are are hard fish to keep. And i think the mandrain is just running around and should be ok. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
That i don't know... they are picky eaters to begin with. I personally would keep him in the display and quarantine the rest since ich can't host them anyway. I'm sure there are many more people far more experienced than I am on this subject that could give you a better answer.