Power outage


Premium Member
As I sit here with no power I'm starting to think If I should have some backup.... I have two mp40s and one mp10 and was wondering if people like having the battery backup ? Is it really worth it? And can I run two or three pumps on it or do I need two or three battery backups? Or maybe some other ideas please chime in ....thanks
I bought a small generator for 100.00 bucks at harbor freight. I havent used it in 2years, still in the box.
I'd use something like a battery power airpump like you'd use for a bait bucket. Just something to keep the water moving a bit.
I can tell you from experience that most power outages won't last more than 4 hours unless its an individual case that never got reported or an extremely bad situation which no one has control over. I'd evaluate where you live and base a decision off of that. Lots of trees, out in the boonies or near a flood zone. Cars hit poles all the time and cause unexpected and outrageous outages. Not to mention crap fails on the power company side. Personally I'd buy a cheap generator like laserjim suggested but if you can rig a bubbler on a 12v deep cycle battery thats a possibility. Hell, my boat has one sitting charged most the time all you need is a clip on bubbler or two. I live in Florida and thought everyone had a generator.šŸ˜Š
I had a generator back in NY, used it a few times to keep the tank running.

Brought it with me to Florida :)
My last power outage was almost 3 hours. I texted roger for suggestions and he has a whole fleet of back up plans for his tanks LOL but he did suggest the bubble boxes like what crazy eyes said. They are battery powered and will keep your water with plenty of oxygen. Might need multiple bubble boxes depending on the size of your aquarium. And like others said, a generator is handy for any power outage. I personally went and bought 3 bubble boxes and batteries from walmart
Wow. That feels like a long time for a normal repair. Has it been declared an outage? When you call Teco, they should have a message. I've never had any issues longer than 3 hours, but I also have a couple of computer batteries and a bubbler, in case something happens.
Should have been around in 04. We had 3 hurricanes within 4 weeks. I was with out power for 11 days with a 260, 180, 55 and 2 29gals running.

Thankfully I had a generator. Next problem was finding gas.
I lost power last week for about 8 hours. I used the little bubble boxes and was fine. If power was out for a day or more I would get a generator.
I love my vortech battery backup .... it handles most of the usual power outages like thunderstorms and your general short duration outages with no interruption or input from yourself. bigger storms will need a generator or some other long term power source, but I think the battery backup as cheap and easy insurance (or at least the until you can get home or find a better solution insurance)
It's on again the transformer on the pole was replaced ,they used a mini track that has a hoist arm to lift the heavy transformer up next to the pole while the two linemen removed and replaced the transformer.pretty cool ...I want to thank everyone for their input whether on here or by text ..I definitely am going to look into a solution for when this happens again it was only 5 hours it's a small time frame compared to some mentioned I would go crazy if it went out for days ,not only for the tank but life in general.