PraziPro and macro


New member
I am quarantining my macro algae frags with plugs and considering using PraziPro as a bath for a week or 2. I found 2 pet supply sites stating it's harmless to plants but I cannot find such a claim "on the bottle itself". So is it a good idea? Has anyone used it on macros? Thanks!
I haven't used Prazipro, so I don't know, but I'm curious what you find out. I'm restarting my tank and I'd like to make sure I don't bring any nasties in. I've heard of scientists using a bleach solution to sterilize plants, but that's more of a quick wash. A long soak sounds like a good idea. Following…
The seller told me macro can carry internal parasite(?) but most hobbists concern more about the plug/disc where the frags are mounted. Many want to remove the plug which could be a hot bed for parasite and eggs(?)but I like to stick the plugs into base rocks. They seem more secure that way. So far 5 days bathing in PraziPro.
Internal parasites in macro?

There could be larvae and spores, like dormant ich, on surfer of macro or coral plugs. I doubt that 5 days would kill all possible nasties, but then again I know nothing about PraziPro.
I would remove the plugs and put the macro on new. If you don't have new, order some or put on rock rubble

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