Pre-2009 NW200 - upgrade pump to Bubble Blaster


New member

I also would like to replace my Octopus 3000. It needs a new needle wheel impeller, and some o-rings. I've been unhappy with the amount of skimmate with the NW200, so I'm thinking I should just scrap the pump and step it up with a better pump.

This is a pre-2009 re-circ skimmer. I'd like to upgrade to one of the Bubble Blaster pumps. Will this require alot of modifying? I'm probably not up to a major mod, but my b.f. could handle a medium difficulty mod.

Any suggestions?

Unfortunately the pre-2009 units did not use the same unions, so you are gonig to have a really tough time making this work. I would say replace with the stock pump, or look at upgrading to a different skimmer unfortunately.