problem with driver


ugust 2011
u was very helpfull in the past and i hope u will help me this time.
my driver went bad...pump stop working and driver very hot.
i cleaned my pump (with vinegar) didnt help..i swap drivers between the pump and discover one of my driver is bad
what should i do?
i got this kit from TOM..I think u know this guy from new york
No problem, now, the blue box is the driver- that got hot or the transformer? The transformer is the black hockey puck and if that is hot, it likely will work again after it cools down, it has a safety shut off if it gets too hot. The transformer would get hot if the pump was stopped by a blockage.
last time i got alarm signal from the driver...this time was no alrm
just simply stped.when i cleaned the pump and plug in again driver got really hot.after that i swap drivers thats how i realize that driver went bad
but u right transformer was hot too..its cool often drivers go bad? i only got it for 6 month
i just conect it again and soon as i plug in ,driver get really hot
do u think its transistors or pump?
The most usual cause is water damage short of that there are two possible causes.

The first scenario is an assembly issue and the transisitors did not contact the heat sink material (aluminum body) sufficiently to dissipate the heat and burned themselves out. The second scenario is the pump got dirty repeatedly and shut off and alarmed repeatedly so the transistor warmed up and cooled and the repeated expansion and contraction loosened the screws at the top and the contact to the heat sink. Either scenario is pretty rare.

Just send me the driver and I'll replace it as long as it isn't a water damage issue.
definatly not water damage.last time when pump got dirty alarm went on..and after i cleaned everything was fine.that was like 1 month ago.
can i have ur shipping address ,please.
thankx again ,mike
one more thing..
are u gonna repalce mine or just fix it?
and how long usually takes,since i got only one pump working