Problem with noisy RAW images from Canon 30D

Delightful image! I see the high contrast, getting the lower portion of the falls to stand out so from the mist.

I ran into the contrast color shift issue with a shot I did last week. Moderately flat palythoa developed an unwelcome pink tint when I punched the contrast. I have been wondering what to do about it and I think you've provided the solution. Gracias.
Likely a dumb question but, once you convert to LAB mode, how do you adjust only the Lightness channel? I'm a neophyte with PS but, everytime I try to adjust only that channel, the programme defaults back to the entire image.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14896285#post14896285 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by beerguy
The key is that I convert to LAB mode and apply the adjustments to the Lightness channel only. The result is a high contrast image without any color shift.
Here's an example why it's worthwhile to process your images. This is 3 minutes in PS with your image:



Using the lightness chanel in LAB mode is the *right* way to do it. The guy in the thread Reefbass referred to only had the standard Canon software so it wasn't much of a writeup. lol
A good starting ingredient in photoshop is learn to adjust
your Levels/ Image>Adjustments>Levels. Its amazing what a auto level will do for your photographs. You got some amazing action shots there just work on your levels in PS and the shadows will look a lot better!