Problems with USB interface on Tunze 7096


New member
Hi there - wonder if anyone can help... I am unable to connect to my 7096 using the USB interface.. I have tried on 2 laptops running XP and a Vista desktop but with no luck. THe AV rootloader application ran briefly but locked up with asystem error !
Should the pumps be connected when attempting to connect to the controller - I have read conflicting asdvice on this point !

Any help would be appreciated ..
It is best to download the program from the website in case the included CD Rom is an older version. The pumps do not have to be connected. The culprit in this case is usually the USB connection has timed out before contact was made with the controller. We are extending the delay so the program will wait longer to make contact with the controller. Until then there are a few solutions. Open two instances of the program one after the other and usually the second instance will connect. Use a shorter USB cable or a powered USB router, this will shorten the connection time.
Many thanks Roger - had to open 4 sessions before it would communicate - but now ok !

However I have a slight problem with one of my 6055's - when starting up it emits a loud and annoying click ! - very annoying if I use one of the modes that shut down the pump.

I have read about adding a spacer to the 6100 - does this also apply to the 6055's ? I have noticed when reassembling the pump there is a small amount of "up and down" free play in the drive unit and I guess this is what is causing the click.
The 6055 had a technical change in winter 2007 to eliminate this click, you need a 6025.740 disk and a new 6055.700 drive unit, your dealer or distributor should be able to get you these parts under warranty.
Many thanks for your help ... spoke to guys at Tunze UK , they were not aware of the problem, they offered to take a look at the pump ... However I don't really want to remove it from my tank so I agreed to purchase the parts...
Thanks again .... Paul