Profilux and breakout box


New member
Hi i am considering moving to a profilux ( currently an apex user).
I have a few different things that use my apex breakout box such as a davy jones skimmate locker and some float switches i use for other things in tank.

is there a similar breakout box available from ghl or better yet can i use my neptune breakout box directly with the profilux.

also since the profilux only has 6 power ports can i connect 2 of my heaters to a single outlet (they use the same time/program) and i just keep 2 for redundancy but i don't want to get an extra power bar if i can avoid it.

GHL do a card called PLM-ADIN this is equivalent to the break out box, where you can wire third party float sensors.

Yes two heaters on one socket is ok, or use the expansion socket which plugs into one power socket on the power bars but has two sockets on it which switch together using a different wall socket as power.
Thank you for considering to move to a ProfiLux!

a) What exactly is the "apex breakout box", what does it do?

b) power multiple devices with one power port of the GHL Powerbar:
You can connect whatever you want as long as the load in sum doesn't exceed 15A
Even "critical loads", like MH ballasts or some (cheap) LED-drivers, the outputs are all capable of switching "high inrush current" devices
Hi i am considering moving to a profilux ( currently an apex user).
I think you'll be pleased with this upgrade

I have a few different things that use my apex breakout box such as a davy jones skimmate locker and some float switches i use for other things in tank.

is there a similar breakout box available from ghl or better yet can i use my neptune breakout box directly with the profilux.
It sounds like you are ahead of the game already with what you've already accomplished and you should be able to do pretty much exactly the same thing PLM-ADIN.

also since the profilux only has 6 power ports can i connect 2 of my heaters to a single outlet (they use the same time/program) and i just keep 2 for redundancy but i don't want to get an extra power bar if i can avoid it.
On my last system (I had to break it down and sell it because the house sold LOL) I ran dual 300W heaters just like this. I used a heavy duty power splitter made for construction equipment. It was made for extended high amp use and I felt very comfortable putting both heaters on it and plugged into a single outlet on the Powerbar. Here is a picture of it

With that being said I would use the above method even if I had a spare outlet (because you can never have too many spare "controlled" outlets lol) to simplify the programming etc.

Good luck with your pending upgrade... I think you're going to be glad you did it especially with the HUGE price reductions from GHL right now. There has never been a better time to move up to ProfiLux.
thanks...I have been observing how quickly everyone responds to any questions in general and also the quality of the equipment
i'm convinced its better than the apex now i need to convince my better half for a large buy in with ultimate bundle+doser + plm-adin
Can that extension cord splitter method be used with MH lighting, too?
I was recommending that solution to someone recently but also recommending that they check with their controller manufacturer (who i believe was neptune) before implementing it. But I'm curious if the ghl powerbar sockets can handle it?
Can that extension cord splitter method be used with MH lighting, too?
I was recommending that solution to someone recently but also recommending that they check with their controller manufacturer (who i believe was neptune) before implementing it. But I'm curious if the ghl powerbar sockets can handle it?

I do not recommend it, way too much in rush load on one socket. This is where the High amp extension socket becomes far more viable.
The heavy-duty relays in our powerbars can stand an inrush current of 160 A for 20ms. But usually the MH light manufacturer doesn't give you all technical data and you can only guess how bad the inrush current actually is.

-> I would better use separate sockets, and switch them with some delay to avoid a power peak for your wall outlet
-> I would better use separate sockets, and switch them with some delay to avoid a power peak for your wall outlet

Ah, that's a good idea. Right now they all use the same illumination timer so they come on at the same time. I'll use three different ones. Thanks!