ProfiLux APP first previews

Has it been released? Sounds more like it is still coming...... If it is released what is it called.

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when it is released we will post here, if i have not posted here this means it has not been released. This saves everyone the time in asking.

Please check out the other thread on here about firmware update there is a mention there.

Andriod will release first also not Iphone.
The android is in beta testing I am a member of the forum, things coming on nicely lots of users signed up for the beta test program all loving it.

Once everything is in place it will be launched.

Iphone will follow once Android is at a GHL quality level we all expect
It's still in "Testing" stage. Hopefully it wont be long but better to wait for a "stable" release than to have an AP that doesn't do what we expect.
I don't understand much about how to make software applications,
Just interested to see why it takes so long to make up a APP or any software.

I see so many Apps on itunes developed daily and many are great, so is it technically difficult to make APPs for Hardware?
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It's not that the "App" is hard to do... it's that the ProfiLux has so many features, options, safe guards and it takes a lot of time to get all the bugs worked out.

If we just wanted an AP to know what time it is I think we could have that in a matter of a few minutes. It takes a lot of time, testing, re-testing and so forth to have an AP that is reliable and one that's worth having. I'd love to have an AP already but we had one developed by a nonGHL person before and honestly all it did was take our $$. :(
Here is the big picture on this

GHL are globally renowned above anything else to build the most stable bug free and reliable controller on the market. GHL control some of the most state of the art public aquariums and mammoth tank builds out there, not to mention the laboratories they control also.

So with this in mind anything produced has to be not only functional but also STABLE. Yes there are many APPS out there and many are buggy at best. Would you want an APP on your profiLux that could potentially crash while changing a critical set point?

If anyone wants to play with the Beta APP please join the support forum and request access to the Beta program.
No news on the support form... Everything is on lock down, unless you are a Beta tester you won't find any new information.
As a suggestion maybe sign up as a beta tester ;) everyone was offered this opportunity so there should be no complaints about being kept in the dark really.

Allen also posted an update there last week for those that did not sign up
As a suggestion maybe sign up as a beta tester ;) everyone was offered this opportunity so there should be no complaints about being kept in the dark really.

Allen also posted an update there last week for those that did not sign up

NOT an option as I currently run the old marine mad app that allows me to keep a close eye on my tank during my travels.

How about they just post some general updates to the viewing population?

Better yet Michael, how about you get the information and post it on Reef Central?
There's nothing new to report as of right now. The latest version is being tested as we speak so that's about as "Up to date" as can be.

I WISH there was a huge announcement to make on this AP but as of this very minute it's still "In Testing".