profilux II light HELP


The OG mad scientist
Redcently got this unit second hand all is well but I need some guidance for initial setup /pc hardware recognition etc.. THX in advance.

It will control my 4 AI LEDS modiles thx
do you have the GHL profiser cable? This is the RS232 cable for connecting to the pc directly or over a USB adapter
Yes I do( over a usb adapter- which software is the adequate from the GHL site? whcih verison?
Will the marinemad iphone app work?
I also have the profilux view II- could I possibly have this unit as well as the PC adapter at the same time connected to this unit?

I guess Im full of questions here, but the unit looks user friendly so On we go thx

thx in advance!

can you tell me what firmware version is loaded. You can find this out by powering off and on the controller. On start up it flashes up the fw version. Once I have this I can let you know what software you need and how to proceed.

Yes the app would work but becuase you are connecting to Ai's you cant have the pc connected at the same time the Ai's are operational as they both share the RS232 port.
thx for your help much appreciated.
The software version is 3.04

Could you also guice me to the actual cablke needed to control my AI modules is it the
Profilux AI Cable (Serial to AI)? Must likely just want to make sure thx

Yes the app would work but becuase you are connecting to Ai's you cant have the pc connected at the same time the Ai's are operational as they both share the RS232 port.

Well I c no reason to have the view II if that is the case I will must likely be using the PC connection thru USB at all times.

All of my other functions in my tank are controlled by another brand controller with a display so that requires no change so far.:fish1:

EK 3.04 thats years old, I will have to talk with GHL on how this gets updated as you require Version 3.08 to jump up to 4.xx and onwards

3.08 is no longer listed.

The cable required is the GHL/Ai cable we have more coming into stock shortly.
Hey Thx for your help I'm there now in terms of the software. Version 3.08

As far as the cable I ordered fro proggresive reef a : Profilux AI Cable (Serial to AI)

Thx again for your wonderful support.

You need to download and install the Profilux Control software. The .Mhx file is simply the firmware you need to apply to the Profilux II unit.

Once you have the Profilux Control software installed, you connect your Serial cable to the Profilux, and your computer. When you launch the soiftware, connect to your Profilux via the RS232 interface (this is your serial port).

Once the software and your profilux are communicating you can perform a firmware update, this is what you do with the .Mhx file. Using the software you transmit the file to the profilux.

Please, and I cannot stress this enough, read ALL of the prompts carefully during the process. Older firmware updates were not as graceful as they are today. Do each step as prompted. If you have any questions I can help you over the phone on Tuesday when I am back at the store (Progressive Reef).

Gareth Thx for your input I will go ahead and do that now- ill get back with you if anything goes wrong.
Please update me on my AI cable thats paid for and on bacorder THX

Quick Update the software is up and the light II is connected to the PC via interface as specified. The firmware update is not possible b/c the unit will not allow connection to the PC. Plus the option to update firmware can't be hihlighted/the software and the profilux are NOT communicating
RS232/com1/9600/device addy 1/timeout 5000

Any suggestions? Perhaps I need a driver specific to the light II?
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You are using a wrong level of software for firmware installed. Please power off unit and reboot and watch the screen and let me know what fware is currently loaded now.