Project External Glass Overflow

great...thanks more question (famous last words right?:D ) how do you know what the flow rate is through the holes that you drilled?
Hey Mattydub according to the calculator here at Reef Central:

Using the following input parameters
Gallons per Hour = 455

Drain and Overflow sizes are calculated as
Recommended minimum drain pipe diameter = 0.88 inches
Recommended minimum linear overflow size = 7 inches

So 910 gph since I have two 1" holes. The bulkhead necks it down a little (1/8") then back to 1" the rest of the way. Thats why it says 0.88 inches.
I think he was asking (and I'm wondering too) how many holes/slots you decided to dremel out in the back. Did you use the calculator to determine that 7" was necessary, and drill your overflow that wide? Or did you just experiment until the flow rate could be handled by the holes?
Awesome work!!! Thanks for all the info and great pics!

I have a question regarding tempered glass. Living in a seismic zone, I have an acrylic tank, but am considering the purchase of a 40 gallon breeder (glass) and drilling for an overflow. Are the bottom panes usually tempered? TIA!
I think he was asking (and I'm wondering too) how many holes/slots you decided to dremel out in the back. Did you use the calculator to determine that 7" was necessary, and drill your overflow that wide? Or did you just experiment until the flow rate could be handled by the holes?

Thanks reelfun...that's exactly what I'm doesn't really matter how many drains you have carrying water to the sump...what matters is those holes letting water GET to the drains, so how do you figure the flow of the little dremeled holes and how far apart to space them, etc....

thanks again...great post!

If you mean slots, the slots on mine are 1/2" apart on center and each slot is 1/4" wide, 1" tall. I cut a total of 18 slots. It spans 9" across the back of the tank. I read somewhere that 6" worth of these slots can handle 600 gph. And I think those slots were spaced further apart than mine. I have not tested this yet but that is what my research came up with.
I got one suggestion! Add a peice of that 3/16 plate inside the box against the back of tank and glue it liberally. All thase slots in the back of tank seriously weaken that back panel. it would give me peice of mind if you reinforced it while youcan. But it's your floor.
D.I.Y porn







gumbybc: it's a Velocity T1, it's so quiet you cant hear it running, so far I like it.

Imnaha: the drains in the sump are the only noise, this plumbing setup is just temporary, I ran outta pipe and 90's tonight, I might be able to get away without a stockman/durso. I plan on a baffle in the sump and two 90's at water heigth facing the opposite side of the pump.
Hi Tunjee,

Nice to see another Winchester Reefer at Reef Central

great work on the overflow!

DIY Porn. Thats a good one.
It has a nice Clean Look.
Great job. How many GPH out of that Velocity?
Tunjee you are my HERO!:rollface: :strooper:

That overflow is sweet man, honestly there's no noise from the teeth though? Looks like you have a mini-waterfall out the back to the box...

I am so scared to do this, is it better than melevs weirs? I have the acrylic to buld the overflow's like he did, overflow but after seeing this project hmm.... :rolleyes:

What are the pros/cons of using the teeth vs. weir?

thanks again for such an awesome post!
BRG: Thanks! Good to see another Reefer in Winchester, I think that makes a total of 3. :D

Kheflw: Thanks man, it's a 540 gph T1. Smallest one they make.

mattydub: There will be no noise when I'm done with it. Working on that now. Teeth vs. Weir: depends if you like your animals sucked into your filter or not.

JamesG: It's filled up and running and holding strong so far.
If you could do all that glasswork,why didn't you just drill the tank and put the bulkheads connecting directly to the tank?