Project External Glass Overflow

mantisshrimp said:
If you could do all that glasswork,why didn't you just drill the tank and put the bulkheads connecting directly to the tank?

I could but, would it skim as well, be as quiet, have as high gph, and not extrude into the tank?
It doesnt make noise, when the water enters the two pipes?? To me, it looks like two durso's would like nice there???

DvSkin: I tried two durso's it was too loud in the sump. Now it's silent all the way around.


U-tube on left: (primary drain) gate valve below creates a solid water column from sump to overflow box. The gate valve also controls the water level in the overflow box. Hole drilled for air vent as was going to be used as durso, now acts as self primer vent on the side of the u-tube.

Durso on right: (secondary drain) or (emergency drain) It is higher than the other. Catches the slight trickle the primary drain cant handle. It can take the full load of the overflow in case of primary failure and has no restrictive devices added.

Anyways here's some more progress pics....

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I just see red x's. Could you check your hyperlink? I'm so close to doing this! I'm thinking of using core bits though insted of cutting slots. Then putting strainer covers over/in them so no critters go down the drink and into my skimmer pump.
Bah!!! Adelphia stopped hosting my pics some reason. Calling them now, I cant get into my ftp site eithier.
This is great....what advice do you have on myself drilling a 20 long? I'm not really going to drill, I'm going to end up doing what you did with the overflow I do believe. What bits did you end up using again?

- Jared
Nothing to add to the thread, but just wanted to say I'm pretty impressed. When you get started maybe I can give you or send some sand your way, I have a brother who lives in Winchester.
tunjee, any way you could post some close-up pics of the pipes to see where the hole(s) are drilled...or maybe just describe it a little better. Thanks a ton for starting this thread, what an awesome job!
imsqueak said:

I just see red x's. Could you check your hyperlink? I'm so close to doing this! I'm thinking of using core bits though insted of cutting slots. Then putting strainer covers over/in them so no critters go down the drink and into my skimmer pump.

I tried using glass drill bits. I broke 3 tanks. Cant beat a dremel on 3/16 glass when your trying to cut notches.
Reelfun20 said:
tunjee, any way you could post some close-up pics of the pipes to see where the hole(s) are drilled...or maybe just describe it a little better. Thanks a ton for starting this thread, what an awesome job!

You mean the holes in the pipes? Cuz thats the only time a drill was ever used. All else done with dremel.

Top right of durso in center 1/4" hole:


Look at the side of the durso, see the 1/4" hole? It is manditory for priming.

tunjee, that's exactly what I wanted to know, thanks. But do you have 2 holes on top of the Durso and one on the side, or just on top? Either way should work, right?
Tunjee, Now you got me scared! "broke 3 tanks". But I dont have 3/16" I have 3/8" glass. If it took you 15min/slot, double that to 30/slot X 12-15 slots, it would take a week to make it thru them all. And, I've still gotta drill for a closed loop...

What's keeping sm fish from going thru your slots? Not that there's any fish in there at the moment... My clowns would possibly fit thru that slot.

I'm thinking if I drill 6 (?) 1" holes ea 1" apart. Considering they will only be drawing about 1/2 - 3/4 of the 1" due to waterline/skimming, that should (?) be equal to 2x1" drains. (?) Anyone concur?
This is such a great thread!

Just wanted to mention that I may do a similar setup but plan on cutting a slot for the overflow. I will then cut "teeth" out of a thin piece of acrylic, then secure that over the slot. I figure that will save me a bunch of time grinding glass and allow me to remove and resize the teeth easily. Still debating, but I may cut the slot in three sections leaving about 1/2" of glass between each for strength. Anyone see a problem with this?