Project External Glass Overflow

thorsky: What size tank and thickness of glass?
Indy1: thanks! wonder if 20L glass is the same thickness as 20H? 1/8" or 3/16"?
Reinforcement and frameless top.


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Tunjee said:
thorsky: What size tank and thickness of glass?
Indy1: thanks! wonder if 20L glass is the same thickness as 20H? 1/8" or 3/16"?

For that project I am thinking about a 40 breeder. I love the tank dimensions as the horizontal square footage is huge. The short height of the tank makes for a more forgiving structure as well.
How well would two holes drilled into back of tank and acrylic hangon placed normally inside tank work in comparison? Just wondering, cause it seems there is much more room for error drilling slots in glass. Does anyone have any experience with such a mod? Like flow or noise levels.......
Wow diy has evolved....
Im going to do this on my 55 gallon tank and my 30g too!

You said you got your tips for 9 bucks while someone else said 30-100? which is right? anything that is diamond im guessing...

excellent diy!
hojo: Black spray paint. Too bad I didnt use black silicone. I guess the overflow box will be visible.

qwuintus: Thanks. The 9 bucks is right, who said 30-100? I've seen them for 4 bucks at Lowes as well but they were not made by Dremel. I bought the dremel brand instead of the knock off.

gumbybc: No new action pics. Its sitting dry right now. I've got to build an acrylic sump and wood stand and finish my aluminum low profile suspended 175w MH 20k/double 55w PC light fixture.
Tunjee: How long did you let the silicone set before you put water in the tank? About how much did the overflow box set you back?
I played it safe and waited a week before adding any water. The glass for the overflow box was $15. Sorry no updates, I've been working on projects around the house and it's taking up all my free time. I'll get back to it soon though.
Did this project ever get completed? Just wondering, it's been a while since I've heard anyhting from this thread...
Could overflow box be arcylic instead of glass?
One more question, how about using marine grade epoxy instead of silicon to glue it to the tank?
there is no issue w/ this causing small cracks or antying in the glass by the teeth? i would be worried about it causing a failure in the back glass...i skimmed the thread and didn't see anything about anyone bringing this up.

just finished grinding out the teeth on a 10g i had laying around and I cannot BELIEVE we haven't implemented this before!
The diamond bits go through the glass like butter! (For reference sake i used the aforementioned dremel diamond bits that i purchased at wally-world for $7.62 in a two bit set.)

I anticipated that there might be problems with the thin glass of the 10g, but there weren't any! Cut straight (well, sortof) through, cut away the slot, and on to the next one. No chipping, and using a spray bottle to provide the appropriate amount water is not difficult. cut a tooth every 1/2" for 6" giving a theoretical max rate of approx 400 gph. waaaay more than enough for any self-respecting nano. The whole deal took me about 2hrs, start to finish.

Am going to replace the 10g i coincidentally just started as a nano with this 10g as soon as i can get a box for the overflow together. Use the 5.5 in the garage as a sump....hmmm...


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and oh yeah, way to go TUNJEE! Thanks for sharing your great project with us!

(i inexplicably left that out of the preceding posts)
bin04 it cut's easy up to a 1/4 inch glass but when u get up in to a 1/2 thick glass & thicker it takes a long time to cut :)