just finished grinding out the teeth on a 10g i had laying around and I cannot BELIEVE we haven't implemented this before!
The diamond bits go through the glass like butter! (For reference sake i used the aforementioned dremel diamond bits that i purchased at wally-world for $7.62 in a two bit set.)
I anticipated that there might be problems with the thin glass of the 10g, but there weren't any! Cut straight (well, sortof) through, cut away the slot, and on to the next one. No chipping, and using a spray bottle to provide the appropriate amount water is not difficult. cut a tooth every 1/2" for 6" giving a theoretical max rate of approx 400 gph. waaaay more than enough for any self-respecting nano. The whole deal took me about 2hrs, start to finish.
Am going to replace the 10g i coincidentally just started as a nano with this 10g as soon as i can get a box for the overflow together. Use the 5.5 in the garage as a sump....hmmm...