First off, thanks for this thread and the great information!
Second, I have a few questions.
I bought the dremel bits 7103 and 7134 and when I got them home the shafts were to small to fit in my dremel. I solved this by putting some electrical tape on the shaft and then putting it in the chuck. It worked but was a mess. Is there an adapter or something to make the smaller shaft bits work in a larger dremel?
Next I drilled the hole with the bit 7103. I went slowly but it would occasionally get hot and glow red. I was spraying it with a spray bottle of water but maybe not enough? I was practicing on some glass that was already broken and the first couple times I cracked it pretty bad. I got to where I could only crack it slightly (about 1/2" diameter of cracks around the drill hole) but never got to the point I didn't crack it at all.
The 7134 bit worked much better and I could go right through the cracked glass with no further cracking. It worked so good I tried to drill the initial hole with it and it worked better than the 7103 bit but it got hot and glowed red a few times and when I was done with the hole the bit was toast.
When I was just making the circle for the hole with this bit it hardly ever glowed red and worked great though.
So now I have 2 bits that are already used up? I drilled 4 holes with the 7103 bit and 1 hole with the 7134 bit and made about 1" of cut with it. I guess I let them get to hot and that ruined them? I was spraying water on them probably every 10 or 15 seconds. Do you need to do this constantly? Or should I have stopped drilling every 30 seconds or so and let the bit cool back down?
Thanks in advance for any tips you can give me.
[edit]PS - I'm drilling a 40 gallon breeder with 5/16" glass.[edit]