Projected longevity of 6060 when used....


New member
in the hour long on & off cycle?

I'm just looking to move some water behind my rocks, not looking for any real "wave action". I've read the whys & wherefores of not using them on a wave maker....but...will using them @ the hour interval impact the lifespan? (I can certainly understand why this would be hard on the brakes).


I could use maxi's but I'd like a more dispered flow along the wall (2' x 2.5' area) and the application just doesn't warrent the price of the controller units.

The only part of the product life that would be shortened is the drive unit. These cost $27.09. It should not be substantially shorter but it might be worthwhile to just change them every 18 months to 2 years as a preventitive. If they were broken and this wasn't noticed for sometime the pump could be destroyed but the problem would have to be unnoticed for at least a few days.
Thanks for the candid answer, I figured this application would be pushing the design limits - but that sounds like a reasonable "maintainance" fee (hey, you gotta maintain cars, right?)