Well, maybe we've been using heavily chlorinated water in my tank for a few weeks/days now.... My mom did say that the corals colored up... Maybe they went white to green... I sure hope not... Anyway, yea, I didn't even think of just aerating the water to get the gas out. Brilliant strategy. Easier to deal with too than Prime, as overaeration doesn't overflow your skimmer like Prime does.
I'm also not in Boca city limits, I'm "technically" in unincorporated Palm Beach county, even though my address is Boca Raton. I believe that Boca ends at Powerline, the east side though, and I'm right on the west side of it. ::shrug::
I'll check around the web a bit and see if I can find any info on Boca's water or unincorporated PB county. Thanks for the heads up though. Time to start breaking out the air pump and air stones...