Pump replacement and warranty


Premium Member

I have a Tunze Nano Doc Skimmer 9002, purchased Apr 2008. I have done my best to keep up with all regular maintenance.

I noticed today during a tank cleaning that the skimmer pump appears to have died. I will take the skimmer apart tomorrow, clean everything, and re-test.

If the pump has in fact died, would the pump still be under warranty?

What information will I need to identify the replacement pump I need (whether that be by warranty or replacement purchase)?

Thanks in advance.
Further to my post, I can confirm (having taken the skimmer apart today), that the sticker on the pump indicates that the pump is the older 800.04_A model.

The pump has a 2 year warranty, you would just send it in and it would be replaced by a new 0800.040 under warranty.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753