Purple Deaths (my new favorite)

The protopalythoa family is one of my favorite polyps from the old school. readily feeds, doesn't get attack by ampipods ( from my experience ), grows to about dime to slightly larger. Color hue can change depending on tank conditions/lighting and placement.
My gf says mine are turning red and I've heard from a well known seller that the well established ones will be red deaths
all I can say is that my old PD's would always change color from vibrant purple ( how most folks know them) to light purple, faded purple, reddish purple, reddish, to brownish depending on tank parameters, lighting scheme and placement in the tank.
A product of their environment? ;) Were all shooting for the same parameters... (sps, LPS, softies)
I think this was under either 250MH with 4 t5s or was under Kessil blue tuna. I cannot find my old pics under 8 bulb Tek T5s nor between 14K phoenix, 20K and Ushio. But I can tell you under each one those PDs look damn different.

I think top pic was with Tek 8 bulb as it should more blue as with that unit I really didn't use a white bulb more combo of attinics/Reds/other light color variant
My gf says mine are turning red and I've heard from a well known seller that the well established ones will be red deaths

Nope... Red deaths in my tank:


Purple deaths in my tank:

Looks great!

Thanks! After I started vodka dosing a while ago the color on them and a lot of other palys got really crisp :)

I'm gonna have to buy a frag of those, when you have them. :-)

Just let me know next time you're in the area and I'll scrape some off my frag rack for you, they started growing on there and it'll give me an excuse to clean it :)

Hope your colors are popping with the newly fixed light!