Qt 2.0


New member
So, yesterday I received my order from LiveAquaria, a small purple tang and a small/medium Achilles tang. I drip acclimated both into a 20-gallon QT I set up just for them. The tank was set up with T5s, established live rock (from the DT sump) and a HOB filter.

Within two hours of going into the QT, both were picking at nori. I came home today to find the nori consumed. Today I fed brine shrimp, which after some hesitation, the Achilles tang took to. I'd estimate that he ate 25-40 brine shrimp. The purple tang took, but subsequently spit out the brine. He is continually eating nori though.

I also halved a fresh clam from the grocery store and placed both halves on the floor. Neither fish has paid attention to the clam as of yet. Any idea how long I should keep the halves in there?

Here are a few pictures.


I hope they both make it. Fingers crossed!
sweet buy dude. what is your acclimation procedures? Are you going to medicate at all or do hypo or just observational?
I wouldn't leave the clam in for more than half the day. BTW, since they are basically vegetarian, don't worry so much about the meaty food ;) Keep the nori going, and if they are eating brine, try some mysis...better nutritional value.
sweet buy dude. what is your acclimation procedures? Are you going to medicate at all or do hypo or just observational?


For this round, I am only observing and feeding. I did hypo on my last QT, but both if these fish seem healthy. If I see any spots if ich, I'll go hypo.

I'll only medicate if I see a cloudy eye or some other sign of disease.
I wouldn't leave the clam in for more than half the day. BTW, since they are basically vegetarian, don't worry so much about the meaty food ;) Keep the nori going, and if they are eating brine, try some mysis...better nutritional value.

Thanks Bill. I left the clam in overnight, but will pull it this morning.

I put in a bit of mysis yesterday, but it wasn't as readily accepted as the brine. I'll keep trying to slowly introduce new foods, ensuring they always have nori available. May also try live blood worms.
The live blood worms are good......also if you had any ick in your DT it is now in your QT as you said you brought the LR over from it......did you let that sit for any amount of time before you put them in?
The live blood worms are good......also if you had any ick in your DT it is now in your QT as you said you brought the LR over from it......did you let that sit for any amount of time before you put them in?

Fortunately there is no ich in DT.
What babes!! How much was the achilles?

I got him on sale from LiveAquaria. I think he was $130 or something like that.

He ate plenty of brine today. The purple was picking at the clam, but I took the shells out. I did a 3-gallon water change and put in new nori, which both readily attacked. Both have very full bellies now.

Hopefully they continue to do well over the coming days.
Please forgive me what the heck is nori that people are always talking about is it the same as lettuce?

Nori is a toasted seaweed, similar to what sushi is wrapped in. I this a staple in tang diets, although some claim it has no nutritional value. Many have transitioned to dried seaweed that has not been toasted and has no additives.