Queen Angel, Coral Beauty FS/Trade


New member
Cape Coral Area- Looking for Powder Blue Tang (Trade)

Beautiful Queen (Reef Safe, so far.. He is about 3" in front of the Sun Coral :eek2: )



Also have a Cowrie Snail if someone wants it (FREE!!) Just come and pick him up.
You can always do what I did. I have a 300g reef with a goldflake angel. My angel started eating all of my soft coral polyps. So....I set up a 90g just for him and a very mean maroon clown,
Well, I got rid of him today :( Took out about 1/2 of my Rock trying to catch him, and in the process, killed my Dottyback (It was in one of the Rocks I pulled out, guess it was out of water too long)..

He is Up for sale at the Aquarium & Reef Center in the Cape (Georges store off of C.C. Pkwy)

As far as eating my Coral, hm-mm, The only thing he picked on was my Zoo's. I have 3 colony's growing pretty good and just had to get rid of him before he did too much damage.

I'm looking for a Powder Blue Tang. That was in my Original plan anyway.
too bad for the angel ... he's a pretty fish.
We picked up a blue tang yesterday ... just like the one in the picture above ... shy little guy ... and dumb too - he keeps trying to eat the scratch in my acrylic ... over & over & over & over & over & over again .... ya'd think he'd learn ... lol
lol I like how you said he was "reef safe" yet eating zoos lol. Angels in a reef is usually a bad idea. P.S. I got a bunch of new fish coming in tomorrow including powder blue tangs
I took pictures on my digital camera and have never down loaded them. I think my best picture is of my german shephard laying under the tank when I was setting it up. 90 pound dog looks like a chihuahua under the tank.

As far as mean maroons. Always. She and the goldflake are the only two fish I named. ***** (she got her name about 8 years ago when she first bit me!) and buck fifty (what I paid for the angel when he was a baby)
Website blocked out her name. It is the name dog breeders give a female dog. You get the idea?
lol I like how you said he was "reef safe" yet eating zoos lol. Angels in a reef is usually a bad idea. P.S. I got a bunch of new fish coming in tomorrow including powder blue tangs


Yeah, Well he wasn't really "Eating" the Zoo's (Too Toxic) just picking the slime off and aggravating them. Ohh well, Not my problem anymore ;)

Can you give me an address to your shop? I'll be in Bonita tomorrow and wouldn't mind driving down there to check out your inventory.