Questions about lunare wrasse


New member
I posted this in the reef fish discussion, but doesn't seem to be getting any hits. Hopefully someone can help me out here.

Hi all,
Just purchased a new lunare wrasse today for my tank. (about 4-5 inches)
Like an idiot, I didn't research before I bought.
I looked up on marine depot live and it says they might eat snails, crabs, starfish, bristleworms, etc.
I'd like to know a little more about this fish.
Will my large (10+ inch) brittle star be ok?
For those of you who have them in a reef - what all do they bother(inverts wise).
For all others - what should I be feeding it? If i don't have the food it likes, I can always go get some.
Thanks bunches!

The brittle star might be eaten, I don't know. The wrasse won't eat coral. The fish probably will eat most fish food. The carnivore-oriented options, like Formula 1, are a good place to start
OPPS bet ya that was a mistke, is this specie Reef Safe orFish-Only Tanks um i have no expeience with them but you coould try some of these things...

- keeping it well fed
- set up another tank for it
- take it back
- change everything aroun in your main aquarium, this means removing the corals and inverts and other smaller fish

Youve realy dug yourself a hole... hope whatever you decide to do good luck :) (keep us posted!)
if you have any small fish now is the time to take them back.

I've had one for like 4 months because people at the store told me that it was a safe non-harmful fish. In that time it has cleared out my entire tank besides for my hippo tang. It grows extremely fast so you might want to move quickly. I got mine when it was around 2 in. in october. It's around 8 inches now and just ate my fully grown mated perculas earlier this week.

I can't find anybody to take him off my hands so i've had to keep it.
I have a Lunar Wrasse and like most all wrasses it will eat worms and some inverts, it will not eat a big starfish. Snails and smaller inverts may be at risk (well they are at risk). Keep it well feed and he should be fine.

You never said what size tank you have, these guys get pretty big and are pretty aggressive, so I would take him back if you cant house him correctly or house him with suitable fish.
Right now its in a 55 gallon tank w/ a 55 gallon sump/fuge hooked to it.
I'm upgrading to a 90 gallon reef ready w/ drilled holes for a close loop (have it already) but i need to build a stand for it that will hold the 90 and have enough room below it to house a 55 sump/fuge.
By the way, its been in there over a day, hasn't beat on anything yet. Its eating flake food (forgot the mysys shrimp at the girlfriends house), and swimming with the tang.
I'll keep everyone updated.

Thanks guys.
what you could do is keep it in the 55gal and change it to a predator tank and move everything else to the 90 gal? just a thought GOOD LUCK you may need it!