Questions for Aqualight Pro users

Pete Harcoff

New member
1) Which model do you have?

2) Does it make any electrical buzzing with the MH lamp switched on?

3) How loud is the fan? How far away can you hear it?

I'd like to know, since I currently have the 24" 250 watt MH Aqualight Pro and am unhappy with the noise (fan and electrical) it produces. I'm thinking about getting the 150 watt version, but I'd like to know if I can expect a difference in noise.
i have the aqualight pro 48inch 150w version the noise isnt that bad my skimmer flowing in the sump makes more noise
I have the 48" 150HQI Pro, the fan noise is no different than the sound coming from a computer. As far as the buzzing from your MH bulb, I just had one of my bulbs (4 weeks old) replaced under warranty as the bulb was causing the transformer (or what ever that green box connected to the socket inside the hood is) to buzz. The same buzzing sound you here with neon lights. After replacing the lamp, I get some buzzing as the light is warming up bu then it completly goes away. Overall its very quiet.
I have the Tank Mount model.

No buzz from the bulb or ballast. I sit 3 feet from the tank on the couch.

As for the fan, I broke mine and just left it out.
Hmm... Seems like the 150 watt model is the way to go.

I talked with the manager of the LFS today and he said they've sold lots of 150 watt AQ Pro's with no complaints. But I was the first person to buy the 250 watt version and I'm having problems.

Still haven't heard back from Coralife on the buzzing issue, either...