Quick comments on 6040


New member
Just installed a 6040 today, so this is a VERY short term evaluation... Please note, I am running without the included flow director.

Compared to Vortech MP10 it seems to have slightly less total flow, but much much wider pattern. The flow in front of the impeller comes off at nearly a 70 degree angle from the axis of the impeller shaft. Interestingly the flow pattern is very noticeable on the intake side of the pump as well as output. In other words the area disturbed by the flow of water back to the pump is as visible as the area in front of the pump. This all adds up to what I think is more total water movement in the tank, in a more evenly distributed way than compared to the MP10.

Very quiet, vibration free.
The flow deflector can be used to create a gyre flow, I would recommend giving it a try, the key is to place it low in the tank or higher and horizontally mounted, the flow needs a distance to angle out.
The flow deflector can be used to create a gyre flow, I would recommend giving it a try, the key is to place it low in the tank or higher and horizontally mounted, the flow needs a distance to angle out.

I'm liking the 6040 so much, I've ordered 2 more... Going to attempt to place them in the lower 1/3rd of the tank, discharging vertically using the deflector.
What's the general direction of flow created by the flow deflector? Is it 90 degrees relative to the pump body, or less than that?
I would say that if you visualize in 3 dimensions, the flow director effectively cuts the output into a quarter sphere. It really is darn near 90 degrees to the axis of the prop shaft. The most non-point like source of water flow I've seen from a power head. The water just seems to magically move all around the pump.

I hooked up the 2 new ones with cables to the Apex. Fantastic product.

I have 2 comments. 1, they are audible. Just barely, but audible. 2. It would be great if the power cords had the prongs at 90 degrees or if they used plugs that didn't cover multiple outlets on a power strip.

Very good value.
The flow deflector can be used to create a gyre flow, I would recommend giving it a try, the key is to place it low in the tank or higher and horizontally mounted, the flow needs a distance to angle out.

Hi Roger, you said 6040 needs a distance to angel out. I placed mine at the bottom corner of my tank. Should i move it towards more bottom center of my tank instead then?
The 7097.050 is available, I have them in stock, they are $33.67. We are behind due to our PR/Media person passing away last autumn, we have a lot of updates and work to do on the website, manuals, packaging, etc so it isn't yet online and they just came in a couple weeks ago.

Your placement should be fine, the key point is they need to be low in the tank.