Rabita Reef 2

rabita reef 2

rabita reef 2

Tell you the true I do not feed the gorgonian. This Type is fotosintetic and don't need to be fed. For the coral I use fish poop and coral vitalicer. And something I think is good is that I only feed my fish mastik and the poop is good quality...
Thanks! Next week there is a friend that´s coming home to see the Tank and hes real good on pictures, I promise a update with good pictures, cause I´m not good at it at all.
Yano!! Ando sin muchas ganas de foro, pero te prometo que no tardare en actualizar!!

another one for my colectio! there´s already 7 in the tank...

this fish I always wanted to have it, but I had to get it out because he was always making sand flow around the water. Moved him to Rabita Reef 1 wich I have on the job. I`ll show it soon.

that´s how the new wall looks by the tank! my friend did a decoration tecnique wich looks like a mirror, now it seems the tank is double it´s size.

and that´s what I told you I was feeding the reef, I´ts a mix of live fito. microcreatures love it!!!
One of the more promising young reef that certainly in Spain, with only about 10 months asin look ..... not want to think more within 1 year will look like. a brother greeting
and this one goes for you yano, I just put in the tank 12 fiji tapou damisels! the don´t usually have them here in shops, but I found them last week and love them, they give the reef that natural look.

Here you can see them already eating mastik!

Beautiful damsels!
I´m introducing a good number of more peaceful C. Viridis in my tank.
Brilliant! Looks superb! Love the colours on the SPS. I hope you dont mind, but I took two of your pics and adjusted it a little to show the colours a bit better:





Can you explain what methods you employed to get rid of all this algae:

That was quite a bit of algae, well done on getting rid of it.

Thanks. :thumbsup:
Excellent craftsmanship on everything!!! Beautiful tank and great progression shots.

Sahin, wow talk about taking a good picture and making it better, care to elaborate on what you did there? It doesn't look over processed or anything, just a maybe more accurate representation
Excellent craftsmanship on everything!!! Beautiful tank and great progression shots.

Sahin, wow talk about taking a good picture and making it better, care to elaborate on what you did there? It doesn't look over processed or anything, just a maybe more accurate representation

Thanks. I hope Carapapa doesnt mind me messing around with his photos. :eek1:

I adjusted the photo using two tools in Photoshop:

1. I used the LEVELS tool to reduce the Blue Channel, and increase Red and Green

2. I used the I think its called Adjust Single Colour...cant remember the exact name... to further reduce the Blue and slightly boosted the Red and Green.

Some corals may have lost a little colour, some may have gained a little colour, but overall, it shows that Carapapa's tank is beautiful and he has superb SPS colours. :D
carapapa, nice progression and really nice build!
you have an eye for and pay attention to such detail in your installation. This has always escaped me.... i guess i am lazy
i am jealous! very nice work!

Sahin nice work on the photos.. I would think that Carapapa could achieve something close to this simply by changing the settings in the camera?
Carapapa, have you tried resetting the camera's white balance or 'k' value or light source? depending on the camera, one can usually tell the camera to adjust for the blue..
Wow! Luv u sahin! Thanks for the hook up. The thing is that i take the Pictures with my phone, and that's why there so blue. That plus i only have one white out of 10 makes sense... Ill have to get in touch with mr Photoshop. It looks way better! Thanks a lot!