Radion gen 2 issues


Active member
so I came home from work yesterday and 1 of my three radion gen 2 were out. unplugged it and plugged it back in, the light flickers and goes right out. so I switched the power supplies and switched the white box out with one of the other ones... same thing happen so that leads the only issue being the light itself. so I tried connecting it to ecosmart live, the light will connect no issues. While it is connected I unplugged it again and the light stays on but no fan. unplug it from my computer and the light goes right out. anyone have this happen?
further diag to the light.... took it apart and unplugged the fan and it worked perfectly fine. so im assuming the fan is shorted out. ive been trying to find a Gen 2 fan and cant find one anywhere. does anyone know if the gen 3 will work?