Radion programming question


New member
I am in the process of programming my gen 4 xr15 pros with diffusers, and I am going to run the sps ab+ program. I find that the ab+ program is to blue for me and I adjusted the whites to 100 percent will this bother the corals or are the whites more for looks. I also am running my max intensity at 50 percent I am also not sure if this will be alright for a mixed reef with the diffusers on the lights.

The whites are mostly for you. The only real way to see if your intensity is enough is to use a par meter.

I found out that what my eyes see and what useful light is actually getting to the corals was with the use of a par meter. On the tank that I assumed was almost too bright the par level was barely adequate especially around the periphery(2 x XR30 G4 pro's on a 120 @ 50%). On the QT using just a single A360W kessil that appeared to be WAY too much it was nowhere near enough - adding a 2nd kessil did the trick there. On the frag tank that looked a little dim it turns out that 2 x AI Sol blues running at 45W/65B/65RB the numbers were about perfect.

Go figure.

Thank you for the reply, I figured with the intensity question that is the answer I would get. I will probably just break down and buy a par meter, I figure it may be a good piece of equipment to have.
Check on the local forums. There may very well be one that you can borrow. That's how I got my numbers. I'm making a couple stands for a local reefer and he just happens to have one and offered to bring it over. Hard to say no!
I ended up purchasing one last night on BRS, I got the one that is a probe you connect to your computer. I was looking at the one from Neptune but for less money I got this one that updates every second instead of having to wait for the Neptune to update at about a minute.