Raising a Bimac Inklet (journal)


New member
Hi All,

I've posted this over on TONMO as well, but thought I'd chronical it here since I'm on here more.

I picked up a bimac inklet from a local who's adult had ~80 babies. It's name is Kermit. :) He is living in a 5G growout tank with a lid currently. I lose him in there, so he definately can't move to the big tanks yet!

Day one: Living in the hermit crab shell. Eating live brine. He's ~10 days old at this point, and the size of a pencil eraser...maybe smaller:

~2 weeks later: I started putting small blue legged hermits in the tank. It took his about 3 seconds to grab one...

Today: He is ~1 month old, eating soley hermits. I need to keep trying to transition him to frozen because this is pricey! He's doing well, growing and you can see his eye spots starting to form.

Kermit update! He was out hunting this morning for some hermit crabs (he's eating about 6 a day now...), and returned victorless to his shell. I gave him a piece of krill since I knew he was hungry, and he took it! Not sure if he's eating it or playing with it, but he's been holding it for about an hour.

Also, he inked today. Is that normal for an unstressed octo, or was something stressing him out? At least I think he inked. Maybe he pooped. It was a big BIG black blob, but didn't disperse in the water column.

I took a video of Kermit hunting a hermit today. Thought I'd share. Don't mind the kid yabbering at the end, lol

:) He's moved into the rockwork, so not as easy to photograph. That being said, I'm picking him up a big batch of hermit crabs today, so I expect I'll have more pics later. :)
A few more pics. A little over two months old.



He is a bit. He loves blue legged hermits at a dollar a pop. The cheaper ones, not so much, lol.

Here's a new pic from today. You can see his eyespot developing now. His growth really seems to be picking up the pace.

:) He is awesome! And he's getting a brand new tank tonight! Along with his coldwater buddies (anemones, gooseneck barnacles, seastars). :)
This is so awesome! I'm bringing my first octo home tomorrow so I've been doing all the research I can until then. Any advice, aside from the obvious SEAL UP MY TANK?