Raising a Bimac Inklet (journal)

I'm not exactly sure. The owner of the LFS told me what it was, but I'm horrible with names. It actually looks a lot like yours, now that I think about it. When I saw it, it was just hanging out on the glass and was pretty much a solid gray. At the moment, it's about the size of a cd (maybe a bit larger) when it's fully stretched out.
One thing you may try is shrimp, ghost or small salt water shrimp can be easily obtained and they will take them readily when hungry. Fiddler crabs are also an option. Mine grew large enough to take eating size blue crabs.
Kermit has moved into a breeder box in the temperate tank. He is not thrilled with this development, but his little nursery was getting too hot. I'll put some pics up as soon as he decides to come out of his shell. Literally, lol
How big of a tank do these guys need when they are mature? I have a 30g tank, wondering if its big enough.
When you say cold water, how cold?
Also, what kind of lighting do they prefer?

Thanks woogie
They get pretty big. A 30G should be OK, but a 50G would be better.

I have his water set at 68 degrees. He was in the growout tank at 72-78 and has grown very slowly. My friend who I got him from (scientist at Scripps Institute) has hers at a higher temp as well, and growing slowly. We are seeing if Kermit grows faster now that he's in the lower temps. Theoretically they are intertidal creatures, so are exposed to higher termperatures, but no one we know has raised them from Inklets to record their growth rate so we don't know if temp is playing a part.

I'd say lower lighting. He seems happier when it's just moon lights or off completely.

Hope that helps!

Some new Kermit pics. He's definately growing, albeit slowly. These were taken with my iPhone, so nothing spectacular. :)

He's moved out of the nursery tank (too hot for summer), into my temperate tank in a breeder box, which is better for him temperature-wise but he doesn't seem overly impressed with the downgrade in space. I keep telling him that he's going to get his own tank when he gets big enough not to get lost, but he just stares me down. ;)

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I had to clean his breeder box today so he got to have a field trip to the counter. Yay!




are the brittle star and crab friends or foes...buddies or breakfast lol?

believe it or not Octopus are the sole reason I got into wanting my first marine tank. Then I was let down by their short lifespan :(

I still may get an octopus or cuttle someday :) yours is precious!
We built Kermit's new habitat today! He gets a third of the temperate tank to himself! Now play find the inklet! Lol
