"Wow!! have to fill us in on some info on that guy"
Mr Grinch is a 4" striated Angler (all balck) He was kinda costly however I have NEVER seen an all black striated before and I just had to have him the minute I saw him.
By far the coolest fish I have ever owned, He is an eating machine! he is trained to eat ANYTHING I offer him (even the net)
he follows me around the tank whenever he see's me. his diet consists mostly of silversides, squid, and krill.
He is currently in 1/2 of my expiremental double Angler tank, I have a marblemouth Angler in the other
Soon to be king of my 90G Reef
He is the only Angler I have seen chase food around the tank.
He is pretty slow and the damsels know what he is up to. So they manage to survive (so far)
I have had quite a few anglers and he is my absolute favorite so far
here is a pic of the Lopriciarion(sp) Angler, he is cool looking but likes to stay hidden and rarely moves