New member
I am, I guess, having bad luck with these rastas. I bought them as 2 polyps about 2 months ago and they are still 2 polyps. No baby bump, no growth at all. They open everyday, close at night. I don't touch them to stress them or halt their growth. Not sure why this is growing very very slow. I have a ton of other zoas that are growing nicely. Some growing faster then others and even the slower ones pop up a baby head every 2-4 weeks. Are these supposed to grow this slow or is something wrong here? They are on a clear acrylic plug. I would like to take them off the that plug and put them on those white plugs or even rubble rock but I don't want to kill them in the process.
Some info on my tank. I just switched over from t5s to Leds about a month ago. Started it out low to avoid stressing the corals. I have them sitting about 7" above water level and the rastas about 15-16" below water surface in a 24" deep tank. for flow, I have 2 mp10s set to reef crest running at 80% power on a 65 gallon tank.
Some info on my tank. I just switched over from t5s to Leds about a month ago. Started it out low to avoid stressing the corals. I have them sitting about 7" above water level and the rastas about 15-16" below water surface in a 24" deep tank. for flow, I have 2 mp10s set to reef crest running at 80% power on a 65 gallon tank.