I have always followed the normal lighting cycle, 12 on and 12 off , in the winter have a smaller room light 24/7. Its worked for me.
Awesome thread, thanks.
It seems like water quality is kept nice by "bagging and tagging" as said before, the constant removal of water with specimens and then replacing it. If you arent going through 100+ individuals a month I would think it's safe to say that a skimmer and large water changes are a help.
What concerns me is the lack of filtration in these proposed setups. It has been said in this thread that having no live rock or skimmer is preferred, but honestly on a small scale you would have to do water changes daily to keep the tank from going toxic... especially if you are gut loading the nems.
As for not using live rock to do away with bacteria that may cause healing complications - the bacteria will develop in the tank even without rock. Unless of course you are implying that the tank is kept insanely sterile.
I'm not seeing how liverock complicates the process, You'd think the benefit would outweigh the drawback. the bottom of the tank littered with rubble, you could easily remove them and they would have something they are naturally accustomed to for attaching their feet.
Just curious is all.
cheers, my friends
yes...I am, and have been farming quietly for many...many, many years nowLest the common question for pics be asked, I have had to begrudgingly stop sharing images publically: I've been robbed twice
kind regards to all, Anth-