Re-did aquascape, not by choice


Active member
So I have a 120 gal reef tank with a zebra eel... been almost a year now and the eel was doing great but recently I started losing lots of my sps (birds nest, bird of paradise,blue acro)

My eel had a 3 ft pipe home under the sand and its 2 entrances were hidden in the rock work. I did this at the time thinking of a private home for my eel aka Moe... also I didn't want Moe ruining rock work. Well I really think the coral death was from built up left over food and eel poo in his pipe. I'd blow it out via pow head sometimes but not enough to solve the problem and I never could get it all anyway. So I decided the pipe had to go! My goal was to turn my 3 island setup to a similar 3 island setup but this time with a bigger middle island and 2 smaller side islands and the goal was to make the middle island like a cone with a hollow center for moes knew hang out spot ... well this the before ...

And this is what I got after the make over...

I was happy with what I got just thought I'd share

Left island

Middle island.

Right island

And here is a close up of the center island with Moe chillin inside
Keep us updated please on coral health and all that cuz I was thinking about putting a PVC pipe in my 125 for my snowflake but was worried about dealing with detritus and all that.
I`m Glad its doing good it`s a spawn from the St. Pete pier ,Tank looks really good it looked really good before I would be to nervous to move anything in my tank do to sps being drama queens (crazyeyes) that's funny
Those mili sps you gave me are growing nice building a foot now and hopefully taking off from there ....What was the purple acro that I got from you?
Yea it spells trav lol was an experiment.... and thanks mark that's deff one thing I like alot about it now it that its much more spacious
So I have a 120 gal reef tank with a zebra eel... been almost a year now and the eel was doing great but recently I started losing lots of my sps (birds nest, bird of paradise,blue acro)

I like the new aquascape, let me know when you think your tank is ready to replace the sps. I can frag some up to give you.
to me I would think that with sufficient space and a good cave or two there is no need for a pipe to house the eel, more effort than required and hard to clean.