Reactor for biopellets

I am thinking about getting a bio-pellet reactor. I see that they sell reactors strictly for these bio-pellets.

I have a couple reactors at home that I use for Carbon and GFO (individual reactors for each).

Is there a reason you can't use one of these reactors for the bio-pellets? Do you have to have this designated reactor they try and sell?

Here is an example:

If you can use the carbon reactor, are there any issues doing so?
They key with a biopellet reactor is that it keeps the pellets suspended and gently tumbling. Inadequate flow can cause them to either clump together or blow around too fast to be really effective. A lot of generic reactors have problems creating the flow needed in the chamber for biopellets (Even certain reactors for biopellets fall short as well.) Some people even take a regular reactor and tweak it a little by putting a cone or round cup in the bottom to create even upward flow so they stay suspended and moving.

Here's a video of what it generally should look like:
thanks for the feedback

so I wonder if I use the BRS reactor in the first link, if I were to open the little valve all the way, if that would be enough flow to cause the pellets to tumble.
Right now, I have a Eheim 1262 as my return pump. Off the return line I have two reactors tied in to it. How much water flow loss would there be by opening one of the reactor valves all the way, in this case, the biopellet reactor.