Realistic date on back orders


New member
I know production/shipment is beyond your control, but I'd like to know if you can give a realistic date on a 6000 + Singlecontroller 7091 ordered back on or around Jan 20th (through local group buy).
(Sorry to be a bother, but considering if I should pick up another pump while I wait.)
Not much longer, within 2 more weeks I expect to be caught up through February on 6000's.
Just the pumps. The 7095 I still ned many more to get caught up. The 6000, and magnet holders are the only thing we will be caught up on in the immediate future. The 7095, 6100 and Wavebox will still have back orders.
do you know if there is any online vendors that currently have the 6000 stream kits avalible at this time?
I see the words "magnet holders" and "caught up" in the same sentence and I get VERY excited!!! I bought two smaller holders in November through Marine Depot. I just can't wait to get my hands on them and set up my streams the way they were meant to be set up! :)
LFS still hasn't gotten in my 6000 ordered in mid January. :confused:
Anyhow, I probably won't make the long trip to his store until the 7091 controller is shipped. Supposedly he's only gotten in one or 2 controllers (out of about a dozen). Do you have any idea as to how long it'll be before the controllers ordered in January might be in?
Your dealer ordered 3 7091 and all 3 were sent almost a month ago, 75% of his order for 6000's have been filled and within 2 more weeks the remainder will be filled. He ordered a dozen 7095 and none of those havee been sent and it is still going to be a while unfortunately. As I said in the past on this topic, your dealer was the absolute last new dealer I took, we had an existing product shortage with many backorders and those orders came first and will be filled first, I have not taken any new dealers since because of this back order problem.
Opp, sorry, I stand corrected.... I thought he had ordered a bunch of the 7091's. Maybe one of the 7091's is mine.
Anyhow, I think I am the last person that ordered from the last dealer you took. Had I known it, I probably wouldn't have ordered them.
Well, I'll try to keep an open mind when I get my pump and controller. Quality workmanship is something I don't mind waiting for.
Thanks for the update.
what about the OSMOLATOR UNIVERSAL 3155? Marine Depot said they are backordered and it will be a while. Any status on this would be appreciated.
I am out, I might have some in stock now, a shipment arrived Friday and I can't remember what all we received it still has to be inventoried. I will get an answer tomorrow.
Probably 3 weeks. Axel said the lady who makes the osmolator was pulled from this production to help with the 7095 but the only backorders are mine and he will ask that she build Osmolators this week and next week they can probably send me 30 or so.
So... a multicontroller ordered from m-depot mid dec-04 .... ballpark on how much longer?

( i know you get tired of everyone asking "when"... i appreciate you keeping everybody updated... i know this is taking some patience on your behalf too)

btw..... love my magnets... worth every second of the wait.

oh... and i had to do my first vinegar soak on a calcified impeller the other day... love how there was not spindle to have to beat thru and possibly break... great design
Eliminating the shaft reduces a friction point. I sent out more this week, I don't know for sure but it really should not be too much longer, you might ask Marine Depot, they are really working on it, they hired several temps to get caught up and several more full time employees.
i am trying to decide on the right product for my 90 gal reef (rr) i have looked at the wavebox and some streams but i am not sure what i need for my setup can someon give me advice i have lps and i am getting in ti sps now as well i know its difficult but i hope to have a full variaty of hard and soft corals in the 90 gal
in the future when i move into my new home i will start a 220-400 gal tank so i am planning to upgrade tanks in the future if you can point me in the right dirrection on wb, or streams ,controlers, how many etc. ?
and yes i know i have to wait on these but i dont mind i have seen them in action at the lfs and i can wait for quality like this thank you in advance.
I would get a wavebox and a 6000 with the multicontroller. When you get your bigger tank you will buy one more 6100 and upgrade the 6000 to a 6100.