Realistic date on back orders

rvitko said:
Your dealer ordered 3 7091 and all 3 were sent almost a month ago, 75% of his order for 6000's have been filled and within 2 more weeks the remainder will be filled. He ordered a dozen 7095 and none of those havee been sent and it is still going to be a while unfortunately. As I said in the past on this topic, your dealer was the absolute last new dealer I took, we had an existing product shortage with many backorders and those orders came first and will be filled first, I have not taken any new dealers since because of this back order problem.

Can you give me a realistic update on this?

It has been 4 months that I ordered and paid for a pair of 6100s, a 7095 and a pair of mag holders. I have not received anything. THe dealer has not been very responsive, so I hope to hear from you. Thanks.
Armando said:

Can you give me a realistic update on this?

It has been 4 months that I ordered and paid for a pair of 6100s, a 7095 and a pair of mag holders. I have not received anything. THe dealer has not been very responsive, so I hope to hear from you. Thanks.

4 months? its been nine and a half weeks mid jan to mid march is two months, unless i am missing something?

not that i would not love my multicontroller i just hope it doesnt take 4 months(mid may)
Thanks Delta, you are correct, the order on my desk is dated January 17th. Every 6000 has been shipped. The only outstanding items are multicontrollers, a few magnet holders and a half dozen 6100.
I think some of you need to double check with Marine Depot on your orders. I ordered 2 6000's, a 7095 multicontroller and 2 small magnet holders on Jan 17th and have received all the items. I received the 6000s and 7095 around Feb 20th and I just received the magnet holders last week. Since some of you ordered some of these items before I did, I doubt you are actually on a waiting list at Marine Depot.
interesting... i ordered my 7095 mid dec... i have gotten my 6000s and just lately my magnets.. but no controller
I don't blame Roger, nor my local fish store as both have done all that they can. Tunze has failed to get caught up on nearly all of their products. I could understand one or two products being back ordered, but I'm hearing of magnets, pumps and controllers being on back order.
In business, there are typically 3 components clients demand:
quality, cost & time.
Usually you sacrafice one and end up with the other two. But in this situation, we pay the extra $ for the quality, but I find it's unfortunate Tunze doesn't respect the customers when it comes to time.
I'm sure another company will see what is happening here and come out with the same quality products in reasonable time.
Sorry guys but I fill the orders I am given, you probably need to speak with your dealers about this and this has nothing to do with a lack of respect, last year it wasn't this bad but I don' think any company could keep up with 100% or more annual growth in a market that requires a completely different production for our voltage, they are doing their best and seeing as these products have been out for sometime and have yet to be copied successfully I don't think it is that easy, further the demand is too low to justify the development for a major manufacturer, companies like Hagen are looking to sell millions of something not 50,000.
Are you are telling me the order placed on Jan. 17th has been filled? If so, can you provide me with the date the last piece of the order was shipped. If you have done the work on your end shipping it out, I sincerely apologize, forI should be taking this up with the local fish store.

As discussed previously, I am the last guy on the bottom of your last order, so I think that qualifies me to be the squeaky wheel... :rollface:
If you ordered a single controller, or 6000 every one ordered was shipped, so have half the magnet holders. The last ones left last week, Wednesday so they would likely be showing up tomorrow. This week I should get just about everything except the multicontrollers and a couple 6100's finished. I am doing everything I can but the 7095 has a huge backorder list and I have been very upfront that this could take 12 weeks or more to fill these orders.
at this point I could care less about the Multicontroller and wish the magnets would arrive so I would at least be able to use the streams!

Glad to hear the magnets are on the way, thank you Roger.
Thanks for the quick reply Rog... Seriously... no pun intended :)
Anyway, I just wanted to double check before I drive cross-state (yeah, even here in little MA cross state is consideded a long trip).
i asked m-depot about my order status from Dec 16 ... here is the summary

"You are right at the top of our pre-order list. We will be able to fill your order as soon as we receive our next shipment of controllers from Tunze: which we are expecting in 1-2 weeks."

so i guess this means any of you guys on backorder since around mid dec still have a couple more weeks to wait.

then again.. obscurityknocks orders his/hers Jan 17th and gets it a month later from m-depot... so who knows?
Kip, don't take it personally, Marine Depot switched to a new computer system and this has been problematic, I know that most old orders are hand written in a file and it has been difficult for them to adopt to this new system, it wouldn't be a bad idea for people with older orders to politely call and just verify their orders. I can pretty safely say if you are at the top of the list you will have a controller in no more than 3 weeks.