Reaquascaping pix

looks good but would look better w/ gaps filled in w/ either small LR bridges or branchy acros or both. looks nice though.
clkwrk, looks great !! IMO I would leave the rock structure open and allow the corals to fill the gaps naturally with growth. I think you would end up with a very natural tank in the end that way.
I liked the bridge, but it kinda made it look blocky. I think it would look really cool if you were to use some large monti caps as the bridge, or tables as the bridge. It gives it a more supported look without sacrificing the space or openess.

Just leave it the way it is.
The corals will eventually fill in all the spaces.

What you really need to be focusing on is a bigger tank :D
Chris- if you need to remove scratches, come by the shop we have sandpaper down to 1 micron for polishing the inside of acrylic tanks.
I personally like the more open look and letting the corals fill in the gaps....Looks great either way though:)
Thanks Folks!

Whiskey- Thanks but I think either the cap or table would shade too much honestly I like seeing the blue through the valley.

Sunnyx- Thanks! :D I have been dreaming one up . I have all the equipment for a large tank just no tank :lol:

Thanks Skip I will do :)
I mean like a bridge toward the bottom, not on top. I see what you mean though, it would not take long before those corals grow from one piller to the other.

Okay one final picture before I take all new pics in a month when some of my stressed colors come back . I still have 2 blasto merleti colonys and 4 blasto wellis still to add in and those will be visible in the new pics.

You telling me . I didn't realize until I had to put them all back and then I still had to leave a few out and put them in the prop tank .Then I turn around a get this piece . The dark green one :)
:lol: I need help :lol:

I am for sure looking into a bigger tank in less than a year. I am happy with all my corals just not the room around them.
Okay so I couldn't wait a month for new pictures. These are from tonight. I also have a whole round of closer shots ,top downs and my first video of the tank to demonstrate my 80-114x turnover rate with in the display. Enjoy!

Here is the full monty :D

Right side

Left side

and now the front in 5ths starting from the left





more to come later......
Looks better now. The video really shows the massive flow.

Still, I think you need 2 more feet of tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721684#post6721684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AcroSteve
Looks better now. The video really shows the massive flow.

Still, I think you need 2 more feet of tank.

Thanks and your right I do need 2 more feet of tank thats why I have a thread in the large tank forum for my new 180 :D which if all goes right will be ready to setup this weekend. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721788#post6721788 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by majesticangelfish
looking awesome mate, I like the new scape.:thumbsup:

Thanks I like the look but getting inside and working around the corals is a real pita compared to before . I will get to see what its like with an extra 2ft soon .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7052499#post7052499 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mille239
ok.. its been well over a month... updated pictures por favor!!!

Okay I will take some as a last round tribute .......Since everything is going into a new 180 soon :D