Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

This might do the trick...installed a image compression/resizer tool

Thanks, that really compressed it a bit to much. I bumped it up to see.

Here's the new tank all together when I first got it from planet aquarium.


It has the black silicone and black background that looks really nice. 4 holes drilled in the back. Two for returns and two in the middle for an overflow box on the back.

The overflow box


I bought some used AI Hydra's and a couple blue/UV strips. This is the front part that lifts up and the back section has a led strip light attached to it. I have a control outlet that when switched off will switch off the front LEDs and turn on if off the back LED strip.



Still have to showcase the sub and dragon my kids bought me.


have the dragon head in the middle of it all supporting the rocks. It makes a nice cave entrance and fish can swim through to the back.

And the sump, nothing's changed here except location.

Bean animal style over flow into skimmer chamber. MTC MVX skimmer with DCP 18000 pump. Flows to the refugium section. Reversed under gravel filter, lots of different media types for stuff to grow in and on, and the Turbo Aquatics ATS on top. Then flows to through the baffles with heaters. Finally, the return section with the DCT 15000 return pump and ATO section. Still dosing some vinegar and use a Davy Jones locker for the skimmer. Plus all kinds of switches and fail-safes.

Here's some pictures from the first tank I had and where on first page of this thread where the pictures are no longer there.

Around 2006 I got this from my sister in law. 55g with some coral life compact Florence and some glo T5s, CPR Skimmer and HOB refugium I think they were, a HOB filter and a canister filter. Softy FOWLR


Ran great till 2008 and this happened where we lost everything including the house due to the foundation caving in

Wife talked me into trying to recover the tank



Lots of sanding and staining and sealing later it looked better then before. And yep, that's a reverse UGF thanks to @Paul B and I have always ran one since.




I still have the same rock, dolomite, and inhabitants from that tank and have just added more. My clownfish were my first fish I got and they were a breeding pair then and still are now. They are probably close to 20 years old.

I also used to have a 20g mantis tank that looks like pictures are no longer there. I ran this for over 9 years until the mantis finally died of old age and transfered over the yellow tail damsel I dated to hose with the mantis to my main tank. I didn't transfer over the Xenia. lol


First, loving the early/mid 2000’s look of the 2006 tank.

Sorry about the flood😳

Fun to follow the progress though.
First, loving the early/mid 2000’s look of the 2006 tank.

Sorry about the flood😳

Fun to follow the progress though.
Thanks, it was pretty simple. I had some aggressive inhabitants in there like a maroon clown that would bite me. Never again would I ever own one of those.