Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Some of that seeding stuck on the new WSR ACS. I see tiny specks of green here and there.


Here's a light spillage shot of both. It looks like the side flow may be the most prone to light spillage because of that gap I took a picture of that water would flow out of if the pipes clogged up. I bet that could be masked.


Otherwise the other side has no light spillage besides very little that comes out through the light on indicator slits


The Turbo's has light spillage where the lights meet body. I'm sure that could be masked too.


Being that this is in my basement
I never worried about it.

Ok, now the quad splitter is perfect for the 4 led fixtures on the WSR ACS 10 Quad.

I just got this power brick in that allows me to adjust the voltage.


And I have both scrubbers now set to the same wattage. I think starting out I had the Turbo's ATS set to high. I brought it down a bit and will adjust both up to 38-40w over time.

They both have about the same screen area. Let's see how this does over the next week or so.

I think I'm going to alternate the scrubber cleanings. One week clean off the Turbo and the next the WSR. Since the WSR is just starting out I'll do the Turbo again this weekend.

Seeing some green strands on the WSR. That's a good sign. I'm loving how easy the light fixture slides up and down and can view in easily.

Had to make my first repair on the Turbo Aquatics ATS. The split PVC rings (don't know what else to call them) failed and screen fell down as it was getting weighed down by algae. I have it zip tied up for now as a quick temp solution.

I heard a lot of flowing water which is not normal


The first looks like anthellia. You have a mushroom problem.

Yeah I thought anthelia/Xenia at first glance but it's definitely not once I saw it closed all up.
Here's a good video of a corky I used to help id it

Those mushrooms survived the bubble tip wars.
Healthy is one way to put it. lol

Well this didn't take long. I figured as the lights start dimming it would react. My other gorgonian closes up too when it gets dimmer.
