Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Yeah, he knows he's in trouble. Like a dog in trouble he just saw me, put his head down, and backed up to hide behind that rock. lol
Corky starting to get its little hands back

Since moving it to that spot I haven't seen it get picked on. I figured the culprit would be more interested in grazing on the green stuff that I see him do quite often.

Yes you
If I could only find a way to get rid of mine

I just sucked out a few that were getting to close to my monti with this handy thing. I can't remember who on here posted a video a while back on YouTube sucking out some Xenia.

12" stainless steel straw and 9mm. Little scraping with it on the rock for the base.
WSR cleaning weekend. I'm getting fantastic growth from both the Turbo and the WSR. I couldn't be happier and surprised considering both are fairly oversized for my system.

One thing I really like about the Turbo Aquatics ATS is being able to remove the insert and clean it out. The WSR is pretty easy to disconnect and slide off the LED fixtures to rinse clean as well. I just take off the pipes, disconnect the power, and lift off the platform it's sitting on. Then slide off the lights to rinse out.

Here's some pics and the growth I was just pealing off with my hands.




I have one of Floyd's scrubbers laying around here somewhere that I built form a parts package he sent me and I think also an older model that I put together before some of the usability improvements.

Glad to know that he is still in business, we have not talked on quite a while. Great guy.
I have one of Floyd's scrubbers laying around here somewhere that I built form a parts package he sent me and I think also an older model that I put together before some of the usability improvements.

Glad to know that he is still in business, we have not talked on quite a while. Great guy.

Yeah, Buds a great guy and doing these as a side project to his full time job. It looks like he's been wanting to come out with a Rev 5 for a while now but he's been busy with his full time job. I think he's still parting together Rev 4s for people.
As a side note, I've been skimmerless for about a month now I think. I was wondering if I would notice anything like yellowing of the water and if I would need to throw some GAC in the sump. I have been doing the water changes so I guess that's helping. I think it comes to around 30% of the total volume per month. Water quality visually has been looking just fine.
Color me impressed. I'm trying out a couple new pumps. Didn't need to but they were cheap. Like really cheap. They are Jebao/Jecod pumps so for one they are pretty low cost new and I bought these second hand but never used even cheaper.

I got an ECP-150M gyre and an EP-10000M return. I figured the gyre is slightly over rated for my tank size but can run it at lower percentages and the return is rated lower then my current DCT 15000 but it's in spec for my needs and will just have to run it at a higher percentage.

These are also WiFi enabled and there's an app for them. Which doesn't sound to handy for a return pump until you need to adjust a drain and pump with the pump in the basement and the drain gate valve by the tank.

For this though, I was trying to tune the pump up to the same flow volume of the previous return so I didn't touch the drain valve. It was very handy being able to watch the water level in the back overflow and adjust the return right there with out running up and down stairs.

I got the pump dialed in and I was really surprised to see the wattage used on the new 10000 is running at 15watts less then the old 15000 for the same flow rate. Went from about 65watts before down to about 50watts now.

The new 10000 is a smaller footprint and dead quite. The DCT 15000 had a audible hum to it after all these years. I did have a puzzling issue with the adapters to plumb it into my 1" PVC piping. The 1" adapter the pump came with did not fit any 1" PVC piping or fittings I had. I got lucky and did find that a 1 1/4" to 1" bushing spg/slip fit into the 1 1/4" pump fitting that came with the pump. Stupid me though forgot to put the threading nut on the pipe first before glueing it all together. Cut the pipe again and joined back together with a coupling. Yes, I'm a very messy plumber.



The Jebao gyre is nice and strong and very quite. My old maxspect gyres weren't noisy unless I wanted to pulse them. Then they were very loud. So, I've always ran them at constant speed for years now. Kinda cool to try a new flow pattern now that I only have a single gyre in the tank.

The programming through the app made it pretty easy. I liked that I could setup multiple profiles and set what time I wanted each profile to run at. Like right now I have it set to sine wave pulse up to 60% during the day. I assume it goes down to 30% which is it's minimum speed it can be set to run at but it doesn't specifically say what the minimum is or allow me to set it. Then in the evening I have it set to 30% constant flow.

The pulsing up to 60% generates a lot of flow but causes it to do some chaotic patterns at random spots which I'm liking. What it is lacking is a reverse option like the maxspect has.

Otherwise, I like the ease of programming and multiple profiles vs the xf250 advanced or simple controllers I have. I can create very complicated programming for the maxspect through the Apex which I've done before but the Jebao app can almost match those capabilities with a lot more ease and everything I need it to do now minus the running the motor in reverse.

The app is easy to use and I just followed the directions to get the pumps added. And the app has this experience center tool that you can see what all kinds of equipment that it could control and test programming on them.



Can added many profiles from constant mode, pulse, sine wave pulse, random, and feed m


Test out programming multiple types of devices.
Does the app directly talk to and program the pumps or is the app and/or the pumps reliant on some cloud service somewhere in China?