Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15671819#post15671819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
hmm... I have had this dull or muted knocking sound coming from the tank probably since I put in the Cardinal fish. I wonder if they make that sound or coming from something else. I've been looking for something in there that could be making that noise. Concerned it could be a mantis shrimp too but haven't heard the sound before those fish were added. It's not a clicking sound but almost like two rocks just knocking together. I don't see any loose rocks at all moving around. It's typically just a double dull "knock" "knock" or single "knock" every so often. Also, notice its around the area the cardinals are at which makes me wonder if the noise could actually be coming from the fish?

hmmm I haunted tank---sure there is not a clown fish stuck in the overflow:D
Oh yeah. that last post reminded me of my frankenskimmer. Just wanted to make note that I'll be getting a eshopps psk-100h tomorrow as well. My LFG is picking a used one up for me really cheap (which they're already an inexpensive unit). Seems to meet my requirements on paper. We'll see how it does.
VERY happy with my recent additions. I can always trust Tom my LFG to pick up healthy and very vivid looking fish. I got the Royal Gramma and the Flame Angel in the tank tonight and well... haven't seen them since. Have seen the Angel swimming around a bit in the back of the tank going from cave to cave back there. I'm sure they'll calm down over the next few days and start coming out to the front.

These pictures do absolutely NO justice to their color. The flame angel has nice deep black lines, vivid red, hint of orange in the belly area on into the back fin, beautiful blues and violets in the other fin's tips.


The royal gramma is a nice brilliant purple and yellow.


Getting the Bloodred Shrimp a bit more relaxed and coming out more. Got a vid of him saying hello.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

I am also really happy with the replacement skimmer! The Eshopps PSK-100h. I really like how it's designed with the bubble plate on the bottom to diffuse and slow down the bubbles and making them more concentrated. Also, I like the air being drawn right into the bottom of the skimmer. Both of those seem to be giving the microbubbles more time to work in the water.

Here's a pic comparing the franken skimmer and the eshopps. The Eshopps is a little taller and the same diameter but the way the air is drawn into the bottom and with the bubble plate there is a LOT more air/water interaction. The Superskimmer draws the air/water mix into the middle of the unit and goes up from there.



I had to alter things a little. The skimmer is not exactly setup the way I need to feed into the refugium so I had to kind of wedge things here and extend things there. I used a flexible PVC hose I had laying around that fit perfectly with a rubber connection on one end. I also took the bubble collection cup that I haven't used with the super skimmer and using it as a surface skimmer box for the input to use. I dremeled out some slots. Looks like I'll have to make the slots a little wider maybe.

Here's a vid of the setup. I left the audio on to give you an idea of the sound with the microphone right there next to everything. The light fans are louder then the skimmer. In fact I don't hear the skimmer at all sitting on the chair or couch by the fish tank. I have to adjust a few things in the refug to make that area quieter but it's still quieter then the lightfixture.

Another thing that is pretty awesome is that after running for only 10m it started pulling skimmate already.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>
LOL, I can't even afford one of those Used.

I'll give it some time before I'll say it's a better performer then ol' frankenskimmer but the Eshopps looks very promising. I'll take some ORP readings again in a few days to see if there's anything different. I'm just letting the meshwheel the skimmer comes with to pull in the air by itself without the air pump. Working great like that which makes me happy to not have the air pump running too.

Also, I swear that at least one or both of the Cardinal fish are making that knocking sound. Driving me nuts trying to figure out the source.
Brand new it's going for around $130 for the 100g model and around $115 for the 75g model. I picked this up for $30 as a scratch'n dent so it's never been used. It has a small micro crack where you hang the skimmer on the tank. I used some weldon and silicone and seems to be holding up. I'll keep an eye on it. The pump on it alone is worth that I suppose. It's a via aqua 1300 with a modified meshwheel.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15677363#post15677363 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
Brand new it's going for around $130 for the 100g model and around $115 for the 75g model. I picked this up for $30 as a scratch'n dent so it's never been used. It has a small micro crack where you hang the skimmer on the tank. I used some weldon and silicone and seems to be holding up. I'll keep an eye on it. The pump on it alone is worth that I suppose. It's a via aqua 1300 with a modified meshwheel.

sounds good. The remora c pro up here goes for 279 Cdn and its rated for a 120 gal.
So, what is that like $1000 USD?

I've been looking at several HOB skimmers. The Deltec's look awesome and so does the SWC extreme and ATB multi-use cone. But all those are super high end priced except for the SWC is in the middle of the road for price. The Remora was on my list of look out for skimmers but farther down as I kept reading that it was kind of loud compared to other HOB skimmers. The Eshopps intrigued me in that it is budget friendly but a nice design that has features you'd see in skimmers like the ATB or SWCs. Of course I came across another deal I couldn't refuse. Been very lucky with those with this rebuild.
Looks like I got another mini cycle of cyano again. Probably just the tank having to adjust again to another increase in the bioload. Haven't seen the Royal Gramma at all. Not concerned yet. We'll see if he'll come out by this weekend. I've got a lot of hiding spots.

Got some better pics of the angel. I still think the colors look more vibrant in person.


Here's a fairly long vid of the angel and other tank mates swimming around. As you can see there's plenty of places for the Gramma to hide.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Here's a pic from this morning of the skimmate produced by the skimmer in about a 12 hour period. Not bad for still breaking in.

I haven't been able to catch the banggai cards doing anything special but I'm almost 100% positive its them making that knocking noise.

I haven't been able to find any other official report of these fish making a noise except for in this one post about 3/4 the way down.

Banggai Cardinal
Hi Crew
I have a beautiful Banggai Cardinalfish, in a 200 gallon marine reef tank in the UK. I have no problem with him, other than he makes a 'clicking sound'. I have read your articles on the Banggai cardinal fish and I cannot see anywhere, where is says a clicking noise is made. Is this usual?
<Mmm, no... just requires that folks listen carefully>
Perhaps, he/she is asking me to feed him/her?
<Maybe... or communicating with other life in the system>
I wonder if you could tell me about the clicking noise they make, and what it indicates?
I have had the fish for almost 7 months now and he is a very happy fish, not at all shy. He has plenty of live rock and places to hide around, but he is always on display and chases around his smaller Pyjama fish, tank mates. He also like to go inside the Malu anemone and plays with the clowns.
Thanks for an awesome website.
Could you reply to me by email if possible, as I have just had spinal surgery and cannot sit for long at the PC at the moment.
<We reply directly to all, as well as post on WWM... Sorry to read of your surgery, Bob Fenner, who tweaked his lumbar area a few weeks back in HI pulling weeds and is still mal-affected>
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15682116#post15682116 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paul B
Mine always make that noise also

Then the only reason I can see that no one else has really documented this phenomenon I must conclude that they are complaining about the RUGF and would like a UV filter, lots of reactors, and several dosing pumps connected to a big controller with a really big sump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15681346#post15681346 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
Looks like I got another mini cycle of cyano again. Probably just the tank having to adjust again to another increase in the bioload. Haven't seen the Royal Gramma at all. Not concerned yet. We'll see if he'll come out by this weekend. I've got a lot of hiding spots.

Got some better pics of the angel. I still think the colors look more vibrant in person.


Here's a fairly long vid of the angel and other tank mates swimming around. As you can see there's plenty of places for the Gramma to hide.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Here's a pic from this morning of the skimmate produced by the skimmer in about a 12 hour period. Not bad for still breaking in.


either that's one powerful skimmer or your tank is really filthy:lol: :rollface: :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15682197#post15682197 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
Then the only reason I can see that no one else has really documented this phenomenon I must conclude that they are complaining about the RUGF and would like a UV filter, lots of reactors, and several dosing pumps connected to a big controller with a really big sump.

you really can't put a rugf in the list of reef keeping bloatware;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15682436#post15682436 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
.... your tank is really filthy:lol: :rollface: :lol:

I'm just trying to match Paul B's tank as best as possible... :rollface:
I am really impressed with the skimmer for how cheap it is brand new. It really gets the air mixing well and foaming before it even hits the neck. Perfect for budget constrained people with smaller tanks I think. I don't know how well it would do on a bigger tank but I feel confident it's perfect for this 55g. I'm sure something like the SWC Extreme HOB or the ATB multi use would kick this eshopp's skimmers rear but then again they are also 100x as much money.
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Sure Here's a breakdown of everything.

Bi-color Blenny
Mated Pair of Clowns
Mated Pair of Kaudern's (Banggai) Cardinals
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma (somewhere)

6 or 7 blue leg hermits (one I think is a zombie)
1 red leg hermit
11 Nerite Snails
25-30 Cerith Snails
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1 Bloodred (fire) Shrimp
4 Peppermint Shrimps

Macro Algae (Both in the HOB Refugium):
Ball of Chaeto

Food and feeding
Alternate feeding once a day either:
Aqueon mixed Marine Flakes
Spirulina Brine
Fresh Hatched Baby Brine

75lbs of live rock (5lbs in the refugium)
50lbs of Dolomite on top of the RUGF
Eshopps PSK100-H skimmer w/ ozonizer and over flow bucket
HOB Refugium (algae listed above)

Maintanence equip
Vortex XL Diatom filter (use maybe once a month)
mag float (use once a day)

Water Flow and pumps (Around 2475 GPH):
Eshopps Skimmer into Refugium back to Tank (around 300gph)
Two SEIO p530's
One SEIO m820
MaxiJet 1200 Stirring up the surface (295gph)
Two quiet ones 53gph into RUGF (can't really add this to total gph)

Current Sundial 4 T5's w/ lunar lights (current has default 2x 460nm and 2x 10k lights. Going to play around with ATI Aquablue's, Blue Plus, and UVL Actinic White.) Wish I went retro. Once this fixture breaks I'll replace with a retro kit.

Some 18w fluorescence daylight/plant grow bulb over refugium

Temp Control
2 Rena heaters. 1 50w and 1 100w in tank.
1 300w in mixing container.

Backup Plan
APC SmartUPS 1500va with only the skimmer connected and two battery backup air pumps. Plenn plax (2xD cells) and Azoo(internal rechargable battery). Air pumps kick on when the UPS fails. UPS should last around 3-4hours and plen plax around 12hours and azoo 20 hours.

Car power inverter and long extension cord to tank

Saving up for a Generator

BRS 5 stage RO/DI unit
Brute trash can for salt water mixing
5g bucket under stand for top off water

Supply lines to both brute and 5g bucket w/ float valves but still manually top off both. Float valves are a backup to me forgetting to turn the water off.

Magdrive 1800 to push water up to tank from mixing container for water changes. Empty tank direct into basement drain.

Aqualifter for ATO setup with float sensors in tank.

Chemicals and Additives
IO ReefCrystals salt mix

Calibrate everything that can be calibrated once a month
Hanna pH/ORP/temp probe
API Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/Phosphate/Calcium/Alk
Salifert Magnesium
RedSea O3

I think that's it. :)
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